Caleb A.
Caleb A.
Resident Physician
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Bachelor Biography

The doctor is in. Caleb A. recently completed years of medical training and is ready to turn the page on a new chapter and focus on finding love. Currently working 80 hours a week, he spends his days off unwinding on a hike, catching up with friends, or having a relaxed night in with a movie and takeout. He describes himself as dependable and a great listener who wants his partner to feel understood and supported. Outside of having a family someday, Caleb A.'s other dreams include building his own house and owning a home studio to continue developing his hobbies of producing music and playing guitar. Will Caleb A.'s values be music to Charity's ears?

Fun Facts:
• Caleb A. has a pet salamander that he refuses to name until the right one fits.
• Caleb A. loves picnics.
• Caleb A.'s guilty pleasure is "trash pizza."