Bachelor in Paradise 2017 Cast Adds Dean Unglert to the List

The long-awaited fourth season of summer's genre-defying breakout hit series Bachelor in Paradise returns on MONDAY AUG 14 and TUESDAY AUG 15 8|7c for a dramatic two-night premiere.The Bachelor in Paradise 2017 cast is comprised of former fan favorites and controversial characters from The Bachelor franchise -- and they are back looking for a second chance at love! They all left The Bachelor or The Bachelorette with broken hearts, but now they'll travel to a romantic paradise, hoping to turn a potential summer fling into the real thing.

Below is the Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 cast list:

Raven Gates - The Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Corinne Olympios - The Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Amanda Stanton - The Bachelor, Season 20 (Ben), Bachelor in Paradise Season 3

Alexis Waters The Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Derek Peth - The Bachelorette Season 12 (JoJo)

DeMario Jackson - The Bachelorette Season 13 (Rachel)

Lacey Mark - The Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Kristina SchulmanThe Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Nick "St. Nick" Benvenutti The Bachelorette Season 12 (JoJo)

Danielle Maltby - The Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Taylor NolanThe Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Robby HayesThe Bachelorette Season 12 (JoJo)

Ben Zorn - The Bachelorette Season 11 (Kaitlyn)

Jasmine Goode - The Bachelor Season 21 (Nick)

Alex Woytkiw - The Bachelorette Season 12 (JoJo)

Vinny Ventiera – The Bachelorette, Season 12 (JoJo), Bachelor in Paradise Season 3

Dean Unglert The Bachelorette Season 13 (Rachel)

Some additional bachelors and bachelorettes from seasons past will be announced at a later date.

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Over the course of six weeks, we'll follow these former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships while living together in Mexico, in a secluded and dreamy paradise. America will watch as they fall in love or go through renewed heartbreak. Bachelor in Paradise will feature shocking twists, surprises, unexpected guests and some of the most unlikely relationships in Bachelor history. There's no telling who will find love this season, just like Jade and Tanner with their engagement and subsequent wedding.

WATCH: Bachelor in Paradise 2017 Trailer

Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 returns MONDAY AUG 14 and TUESDAY AUG 15 8|7c for an explosive two-night premiere. Who are you excited to see again? Sound off in the comments section below!