A Little List of Marsai Martin's Hilarious black-ish Moments
You know actress Marsai Martin as Diane, the Johnsons' youngest daughter on black-ish, and you already know she's hilarious. But as she recently discussed on Jimmy Kimmel Live last week, the 14-year-old Martin is expanding her universe to film, becoming the youngest executive producer in Hollywood history in the process:
Marsai Martin on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Impressive! (And totally doesn't make us feel like we should have accomplished more in our lives AT ALL!) Her success is, of course, no surprise to those of us at ABC, because while it would be easy to get lost amongst the ridiculously talented black-ish cast, Diane has been bringing it on black-ish for the show's entire run. In honor of this shooting star, we bring you some of her best moments on black-ish—so that when you're out seeing a Marsai Martin movie, you can say you knew her back when.
Diane is Dope. Can You Deal with That?
Much like Marsai herself, Diane is a badass. After being offered the lead in her school's production of Death of a Salesman, Diane is torn, because her crush, Quinn, wanted the part too. She considers backing out because Quinn's not happy that she got the part, but after some prodding from Bow, Diane bets on herself and decides to do it. And it looks like her self-confidence pays off:
Diane the Poo-tato
But Diane wasn't always quite so cocksure. Childhood is tough, and Diane was not immune:
Diane Doesn't Want to Be "Gurkel"
Similarly, when Diane found out Zoey needed glasses, she was overjoyed. Why? Because she thought her glasses contributed to her nickname "Gurkel"—given to her by Dre, by the way—and misery loves company:
Diane Might Like a Little Bit of Anarchy
Diane is smart and successful, but she also has a bit of a wild streak. Just as she voted Yes on getting a family dog because she "hates peace in this home...I choose chaos," Diane enjoyed the local "Purge" on Halloween. Perhaps a little too much:
Diane's Prince Awakening
After hearing her family explain why they fell in love with Prince on Season 5, Episode 4 "Purple Rain," Diane is finally ready to embrace the late music superstar. But not because of their stories—it's because he also had a dark side. She reads that "1999" is about the apocalypse, and "Purple Rain" is about blood in the sky. She can get into that: