"The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart" Premiere Recap: Love Triangles Galore!

Between no new Bachelor Franchise episodes for a month and being locked up in the house during this quarantine with dwindling supplies (seriously though, who bought all the flour?), we were just about to lose our damn minds—and then The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart premiered and restored our faith in life. Love, tears, singing, drama—music to our ears. We met 20 new single musicians, then they met each other, and then things got deliciously messy. Obviously, plenty of Listen to Your Heart spoilers follow, but you can watch the full episode of The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart premiere right here on ABC.com or in the ABC app—or read on for a breakdown of your new spring obsession. 

Watch Listen to Your Heart's premiere now!

Musicians Do It Better (Or At Least, Quicker)

The format of Listen to Your Heart is similar to Bachelor in Paradise in terms of rose mechanics and the like, with one interesting twist: None of these people have ANY idea who the others are. In Paradise, the bachelors and bachelorettes have often seen each other's seasons, so while they may not have met in person, they usually know a little bit about each other.

But that's not the case here. These are all basically straight-up strangers walking in to find love. Hell, Matt doesn't even know who Chris Harrison is! Witness the blasphemy:

Matt doesn't know who Chris Harrison is

But being complete strangers doesn't keep them from moving quickly when it comes to romance. Jamie and Ryan (who's an opthalmic technician), the first two people to arrive, look like they're on a date after five minutes of being introduced, and look like a couple after maybe a half hour. Michael Todd boldly makes a move on Savannah before they've even had time to bake the lasagna—not that anyone's eating lasagna, it's just the first thing that came to mind that takes about an hour, and did we mention we're running low on supplies? (If you can read this, send semolina.) Anyway, here's Michael Todd going for it:

Savannah dodges a kiss from Michael Todd

Julia and Sheridan have a deep chat, getting into Julia's work with cystic fibrosis, but Brandon is also super into Julia, and his chat ends in a kiss, pitting emotions against passion. Josh and Julia also talk about their crazy physical attraction, so girl's got options. Ryan and Jamie smooch, and they both seem pretty happy about it. And then in the blink of an eye, Jamie's in the hot tub with Trevor—and they're making out. After just a few hours, the situation is already quite confusing for some people.

Meet The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart cast

Date Cards Cause Drama, Because of Course They Do

Ryan gets the first card and takes Jamie, sending Trevor into a spiral of nerves. The date entails a day at Capitol Records with Grammy-nominated producer John Alagia, where the pair records their version of a John Mayer song together, then make out on the roof overlooking the city at sunset—basically, heaven for budding musicians. 

The second date card arrives, and this time Matt's the lucky guy. He chats up a couple ladies, and Rudi feels great about it. No doubt he's getting her rose, she says. 

Except for the part where he chooses Mel. Rudi's wrecked. She tells Bekah and Savannah that he straight up told her he was going to take her on the date, so she's extra heartbroken. As the Rose Ceremony approaches, she confronts him about it:

Rudi and Matt argue over whether or not Matt asked her out

To top it off, Matt and Mel didn't end up seeing a spark on their date (with a Plain White T's backyard concert), so Matt's twisting in the wind here. 

Likewise, Ryan and Jamie had a great date...but now Jamie is wondering if Trevor is the right call:

Jamie can't decide between Ryan and Trevor

The Rose Ceremony

It's decision time. Here's where all the roses land:

Savannah --> Brandon

Mel --> Gabe

Bekah --> Danny

Bri --> Chris (these two seem super into each other)

Cheyenne --> Matt (who was visibly shocked, but said Cheyenne was one of the sweetest people here)

Julia --> Sheridan

Jamie --> Trevor 

Rudi --> Ryan

That left Jack, Josh, Michael Todd, and Russell without a rose, and headed home.

Ryan did all he could, but Jamie listened to her heart (GET IT?) and Trevor won out. But Rudi saved him because she said she could see herself falling for him. Which is great and all, but certainly that's also going to complicated the next week for Jamie and Trevor as well. Speaking of next week, here's a look at what's coming in Week 2:

Sneak Peek: Listen to Your Heart, Week 2

So yeah, it's going to get very complicated for Trevor very quickly. Sorry, Trevor, but we can't wait!

Watch The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart MONDAY 8|7c on ABC!