A Message from the Author

A Message from the Author

It all started with an email. “Michael, CALL ME ASAP!” Now you don’t know Lisa DiMona, my steadfast literary agent and longtime champion, but she’s a composed and levelheaded person—not really the CALL-ME-ASAP type. I picked up the phone and dialed her immediately. “How would you feel about writing the official business book for ABC’s hit show Shark Tank?” I paused for a moment and stared at the phone. “Wait. Say that again.”


What Lisa didn’t know is that, like many entrepreneurs, Shark Tank is my favorite show on television and has been for years. In fact, in four seasons I’ve yet to miss a single episode. I didn’t need to hear anymore. “Lisa, I’m in. Let’s do this thing.”


Just a few weeks later, I found myself on set in LA spending time with the Sharks as they taped the fifth season. You never know where the next great opportunity may be lurking.


This story is more than just a tale of one person’s lucky break; it’s a metaphor about what it means to be an entrepreneur.  If you’re committed to putting in the hard work, if you’re brave enough to look past the fear and doubt and uncertainty that comes with any new project, there is nothing that can stand in your way.


Success is defined by the choices we make and the effort we put forth.  Coupling prescriptive knowledge on how to start a business with first-hand advice from the Sharks and some of your favorite entrepreneur alumni, it’s my hope that Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business will be the catalyst you need to take your idea to the next level and build the business and life you’ve always dreamed of.


Good luck on your journey, and thank you for being a part of this one.



Michael Parrish DuDell

Shark TankNews & BlogsA Message from the Author