black-ish Recap: Dre and Bow Argue Gun Control

In the black-ish Season 2 episode “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Gun,” after a series of break-ins in the neighborhood, Dre decides they need a gun in the house. Bow is very much not on board with this plan.

RELATED: Watch black-ish "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Gun" 

And besides, she argues, Dre already has enough ridiculous weapons stashed throughout the house. Shower machete, anyone? Watch here:

The Kids Are Not All Right

For their part, Jack and Diane are horrified... that there's not already a gun in the house. After their plan to move in with a gun-owning neighbor fails, they proceed to rig up some Home Alone-style booby traps to protect themselves. Junior believes cyberterrorism is a bigger threat, and Zoey starts learning karate from Pops, who starts Miyagi-ing her with lots of chores around the house.

Dre feels like it's time for him to win an argument with Bow -- because he usually loses:

WATCH FULL EPISODES: Watch the black-ish season premiere now

The Gun Store

Dre arrives at the gun store ready to take home a brand new handgun. The old woman in front of him just walked off with a shotgun without having a class, so he figured he was all set. But for a handgun, he needs a safety test and a ten-day waiting period. He thinks the process might need a little refining:

The Home Invasion… Sorta

Bow is busy giving Dre the silent treatment as punishment for Dre buying a gun, but she changes her tune pretty quickly when the kids report there's an intruder in the house. While the whole family hides in the master bedroom, Dre struggles to get his gun ready in time to deal with the home invader:

Luckily it's hard to shoot someone with the box of a gun.

Dre concludes that whatever the right answer is when it comes to having a gun in the house, he's going to have to think about the subject a little more. And that's something everyone can agree on. But Bow still won't let him put a urinal in their bathroom.

Watch black-ish ABC WEDNESDAYS 9:30|8:30c.