black-ish Recap: Dre and Bow Talk Money

Welcome to this week's black-ish recap for Season 2, Episode 13 "Old Digger" (air date: January 20, 2016). After a month of heavy spending, Dre and Bow start to question if they are living too large.

WATCH FULL EPISODES: Watch black-ish Season 2, Episode 13 "Keeping Up With the Johnsons" 

Dre’s crazy accountant, James Brown, has always been their go-to money guy, but when the topic of finances gets brought up at work, Mr. Stevens refers Dre to his more straight-laced accountant for a second opinion. Which is probably for the best, because James Brown's investing advice isn't exactly solid:

WATCH FULL EPISODES: Watch black-ish Season 2, Episode 12 "Old Digger"  

Dre and Bow seem to have mismanaged their money -- which comes as no surprise to Pops, who feels they spend way too much. But the deal was that Dre handled the money while Bow wrangled the kids. Now Bow wants to be more involved with the money (which is why she's sweating), meaning that Dre has to be more involved with the kids (which is why he's crying):

Dre and Bow realize they need to be more financially responsible and try to prove to each other that they can live without their outrageous expenses. 

WATCH FULL EPISODES: Watch black-ish Season 2, Episode 11 "Plus Two Isn't a Thing"  

After analyzing their finances, Bow has identified a few pain points for the Johnson family budget. Dre has found a few of his own. And neither of them are very good at keeping it impartial -- or from being hurtful to the other:

The correct answer, of course, is that they both need to make some changes where they can -- to own the fact that they might not be great at finances, and make sure they ask for help when they need it.

See the black-ish Guest Stars: Tyra BanksMichael Strahan | Zendaya | Amber Rose

Dre and Bow have done pretty well for themselves, and for Dre, he likes the finer things because he never had them as a kid. But the only thing that matters is that he's got the woman he always wanted. And that Bow has her subzero fridge. That's important too.

Watch black-ish ABC WEDNESDAYS 9:30|8:30c.

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