black-ish Recap: Dre and Pops Face their Fear of the Doctor

If you're afraid of the doctor, you won' tbe alone in this black-ish recap for the Season 2 episode “Dr. Hell No.”

RELATED: Watch black-ish Season 2, Episode 3 "Dr. Hell No"

After Dre comes back from his prostate exam, he's curled up on the couch nursing his wounds/pride when he and Bow find out that Pops hasn't been to the doctor in 30 years:

Bow tries to get him to make an appointment, and he finally relents -- but not before calling doctors "butchers," much to Bow's displeasure, seeing as how she's a doctor. It turns out that he needs an angioplasty, which really scares Dre, who suddenly feels the weight of his father's mortality.

RELATED: Can’t get enough of Anthony Anderson and the black-ish cast? Watch bloopers from season 1!

We All Cope in Different Ways

As Pops readies himself for the angioplasty, the kids take their own paths toward dealing with the news. Junior wants to capture his memories of Pops, Jack and Zoey start feuding over his belongings, and Diane, well, she's after power of attorney:

WATCH FULL EPISODES: Watch the black-ish season premiere now

The Emotional Roller Coaster of the Waiting Room

While Dre waits for Pops to get out of surgery, he experiences a roller coaster of emotions from intense panic to relief to embarrassment. Well, maybe he didn't experience the last one -- but he probably should have:

So Pops is okay, and is even better off now that he's had the procedure done. He'll be just fine -- so long as Ruby doesn't snag ALL of his painkillers...

Watch black-ish ABC WEDNESDAYS 9:30|8:30c.

More recaps:

black-ish Season 2, Episode 2 "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Gun"

black-ish Season 2 Premiere "The Word"