Watch Jimmy Kimmel Ask Kids About Gay Marriage

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in favor of same sex marriage has been controversial. One of the most common arguments you hear from those who oppose it is, “How do I explain this to my kids?”  Some people wonder if children are sophisticated enough to wrap their heads around something like this, so Jimmy Kimmel went out on the street to ask kids what they think and know about same gay marriage.

The results were hilarious.  When asked when someone should get married, the kids responded with:
"Because they're pregnant"
"In the afternoon"

When one boy was asked what it would be called if a girl married another girl, he called it "lesbianism"

In Jimmy Kimmel's monologue, he shared the news from across the nation following the same sex marriage decision.  Jimmy called out the fact that Louisiana has been slow to make changes after the supreme court ruling.  Jimmy goes on to talk about the local changes in Los Angeles.  He explains a major change in dating habits of same sex couples and the new pressure of settling down with their partners.

Jimmy tells the audience, "Remember when gay meant happy?  Not anymore."
"We will look at this as the golden age of gay stuff.  And tears will be shed."


While many kids seemed to have different levels of knowledge into same sex marriage, it's clear that marriage has changed and will be something they can look forward to in the future.  When they are the appropriate age and financially responsible enough, these kids should get married.


Jimmy Kimmel on Gay Marriage Being Legalized
Jimmy explains why things are going to be very different for the gay community now that same sex marriage has been legalized across the U.S.







Kids were asked to help explain what gay marriage.

From the June 29, 2015 episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live featuring guests Emilia Clarke, Vanessa Bayer, Music from Miguel.

Watch Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC WEEKNIGHTS 11:35|10:35c.