Jimmy Kimmel's Quarantine Minilogue: Formal Friday, Testy Trump & The Killers
Jimmy Kimmel continues his daily mini monologues at his house during the quarantine. In today's minlogue, Jimmy celebrates #FormalFriday by dressing up as if he is going somewhere – even though we're all stuck at home. If you dressed up today and want to share your experience, post photos and videos with #FormalFriday and Jimmy will show some of his favorites next week. Jimmy also talks about online comments regarding his appearance, Trump lashing out at NBC's Peter Alexander, Sean Spicer showing up at the press briefing, some Senators selling off massive amounts of stock shortly after a Coronavirus briefing, the toilet paper crisis, and most of Las Vegas shutting down. During times like these, it's also good to check in on old friends, so Jimmy talks to Brandon Flowers and Ronnie Vannucci of The Killers via webchat, and they perform "Caution" from their new album Imploding The Mirage.
Jimmy will be making a donation to a worthwhile cause every day during this quarantine. Today, it's the USBG Foundation's Bartender Emergency Assistance Program. Please consider helping them.