Donald Trump and Jimmy Kimmel Talk Muslim Ban, GOP and Star Wars

Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Jimmy on last night's Jimmy Kimmel Live.  Jimmy didn't shy away from the tough questions when interviewing Donald.  Jimmy asked, "did anyone try to talk you out of saying we should temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States?" to which Donald said some Muslims have reached out directly to him directly supporting his movement.  Donald defended his remark by classifying that America has a problem and he wants to find out the root of the problem.  Donald was originally scheduled to appear when Jimmy was in Brooklyn but cancelled on Jimmy the week of the episode.

Jimmy touched other subjects with Donald that covered Tom Brady, Star Wars, the number of GOP Candidates, Back to the Future, his medical report (including a photo of the doctor who evaluated Donald) and even a book that Jimmy helped ghost write titled "Winners Aren't Losers."  Jimmy read each verse aloud while Donald heard the crowd's reaction.  Jimmy started the last verse reading, "there are two kinds of people, which one will you be, a loser like the? or a winner...." and had Donald complete it with "like me."  Check out each part of the interview below:

Donald Trump Says Muslims Support His Plan
Donald Trump talks about his proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the US and says he has Muslim friends who support his plan.

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Donald Trump Children’s Book
Donald Trump talks about a variety of subjects and Jimmy reads him the children’s book he ghost wrote for him.


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