Claire and Gloria Recreate the Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield Photo

Over 57 years after Sophia Loren was photographed shooting some serious side-eye at Jayne Mansfield at a Hollywood party, Sophia Loren has finally explained what was happening in that infamous photo. In a nod to that classic snapshot, Claire (Julie Bowen) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) recreated the moment, and it was showcased as part of Haley's (Sarah Hyland) photo exhibit in the Season 5 episode, "iSpy."

Watch how the family reacts to the photo of Claire and Gloria:

Haley's Photo Exhibit|Claire and Gloria recreate a Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield photo.|Haley (Sarah Hyland) makes her debut as a photographer in an exhibit for her class, and the whole family shows up even though they weren't invited because Claire (Julie Bowen) resorts to spying on her kids since she doesn't trust them. Haley's work impresses everyone, and it features photos of her entire family, including Claire and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) recreating an infamous photo of Sophia Loren shooting a sideways glance at Jayne Mansfield. From Season 5, Episode 14 of Modern Family, "iSpy." ABC WEDNESDAYS 9|8c.