Aaron Krause

Watch an emotional routine from Dancing with the Stars,
featuring Aaron Krause's cover of Every Breath You Take 
Click here to buy it now!


If you haven't heard of Aaron Krause yet, it's only a matter of time. This 23 year-old is taking Nashville by storm. Not only is he an incredible artist, but a legitimate producer. You can hear his talents behind the fellow Nashville up-and-comer, EZA ("Headlights" and "We Keep the Lights Out"), the upcoming Erin McCarley release and all of his own material.  JADE, marks Krause's sophomore release, which has definitely moved him away from the singer/songwriter genre into electronic, synth-based pop; a sound that is fiercely growing in Nashville.

A few music reviews on the JADE EP: 

"Filled with cascading synths and poignant, heartfelt lyrics, this new chapter of Krause's is his best yet."
- The 405  

"Patience is a virtue, and Nashville songwriter Aaron Krause tells that story with an undeniable elegance. "I Will Wait" is an electro-pop masterpiece accompanied by impressive vocals that are sure to make anyone swoon. This track is a great demonstration of the "New Nashville" sound, as the blossoming city continues to step away from exclusively country acts and is producing some incredibly diverse artists".
- Good Music All Day 

"This is dreamy pop music accented by mild electronic undertones, the kind that makes you want to roll down the windows, turn up the volume, and know that all is right in the world, at least for 45 minutes."
- Playback STL