Robin Scorpio-Drake
Robin Scorpio-Drake
played by Kimberly McCullough

Character Biography

The daugher of international spies Anna Devane and Robert Scorpio, Robin was raised by her Uncle Mac Scorpio. After contracting HIV from her first love, Robin devoted her life to medicine so she could help others. 

The Good
-A caregiver to those around her, including HIV-positive boyfriend Stone and brain-damaged lover Jason.
-Fiercly protective of her family, even threatening Lisa Niles for coming near them.
-Reunited with her husband and daughter after being held hostage for two years by Jerry Jacks. 

The Bad and the Ugly
-Kidnapped as a child by Cesar Faison
-Contracted HIV from her first love Michael "Stone" Cates. Later nursed him through his illness and death.
-Fell in love with Jason Morgan, but ended things because of his dangerous lifestyle.
-Her friendship with womanizing playboy Dr. Patrick Drake eventually grew into a serious romance and they married.
-Leaves her family behind to pursue medical research. 

Friends & Family
-Anna Lavery: mother
-Robert Scorpio: father
-Mac Scorpio: uncle who raised her
-Emma Scorpio-Drake: daughter
-Maxie Jones: cousin

Love Interests
-Michael "Stone" Cates
-Jason Morgan
-Dr. Patrick Drake

RELATED VIDEOS: The Best of Robin Scorpio-Drake