Grey Chatter Report: Episode 1019: I'm Winning

Grey Chatter Report: Episode 1019: I'm Winning

**WARNING SPOILERS** Welcome to Grey Chatter for the "I'm Winning" episode of Grey's Anatomy! Here you'll find highlights, quotes, observations and more. Be warned, we're talking about details from the episode so stop reading this stat if you don't want to be spoiled. BONUS: There's a preview of the next all-new episode at the end. Enjoy!

The Call: The Harper Avery award is one of the most prestigious honors that can ever be bestowed upon an individual. Meryl Streep doesn’t have one. Neither does Michael Jordan. Gandhi couldn’t even get nominated! That’s because you have to be a surgeon to be considered for this prize. Make that a brilliant surgeon. Cristina has insider info that she’s getting a nomination call. Was anyone else worried that it was going to go to voicemail before she finally answered?

Suit Up: What’s a busy doc to do when she runs out of clean underwear? Throw in a load of laundry? Go commando? Or partake in a third option, as was the case with Dr. April Kepner? Check out her creative solution to this common problem. Note: Jackson ended up doing her laundry at the end of the episode to cushion the fact that he put a $25,000 charge on their credit card. We mention this because money comes into play during their chat.

Award Envy: Cristina plays it cool regarding her Harper Avery news. It’s just a nomination. She has work to do. She really doesn’t want to make a big deal about it. Too late! Meredith puts together a big celebratory surprise where just about everyone in the hospital gives a champagne toast to their way-cool colleague. It’s a nice gesture. Of course, only Derek knows the true feelings his wife has about her person’s good fortune.

Come On Get Happy: Derek is testing a new machine that can read emotions. Jo is his guinea pig. Nothing makes her happy except the chance to do some cool orthopedic work. When Callie tries the machine, she acts happy but the readings indicate that she’s depressed. There’s really only one thing that’s going to get her jazzed at this point in her life.

Read the full recap for "I'm Winning" and take a sneak preview of the next all new episode "Go It Alone" now!

Grey's AnatomyNews & BlogsGrey Chatter Report: Episode 1019: I'm Winning