Callie & Arizona: 12 Most Memorable Moments

Missing Calzona already? You're not alone. Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins may have ended their long-running relationship on Grey's Anatomy, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy a look back at the most memorable highs (and lows) of their past. Check out the videos below to see some of our favorite moments featuring this dynamic duo!

The First Kiss
Prior to meeting Arizona, Callie was involved in a series of unlucky relationships. Remember George O'Malley? How about Erica Hahn? Needless to say, she was feeling down and out. Enter Dr. Arizona Robbins! During a cry-fest in the bathroom at Joe's, Arizona showed up to give her some comforting words. But the real shock came when Arizona told Callie that there were people waiting for her when she came out of her funk -- and then kissed her right there!
Season 5, Episode 14: Beat Your Heart Out



"I Love You"
During the beginning of any relationship, all of the "firsts" are memorable. That's especially true when it comes to Calzona. Who could forget the first time Arizona and Callie told each other those three magic words? The surprise declaration (after a birthday party gone wrong) was enough to make anyone smile. Check out the heartwarming moment below!
Season 6, Episode 8: Invest in Love



The Accident
As time went on, Calzona faced their fair share of struggles. But if they could survive Arizona leaving Callie for Africa and Callie getting pregnant with Mark's baby, they were in the clear, right? Wrong. Immediately after Arizona asked Callie to marry her, they were in a horrifying car accident. Callie’s life was hanging in the balance during a special musical episode of Grey's Anatomy. Check out the clip below to see the "Aww!" moment that happens when Callie finally wakes up.
Season 7, Episode 18: Song Beneath the Song



The Wedding
After surviving the accident (and their parents during a very stressful wedding week!), Callie and Arizona finally tied the knot in what is surely one of Calzona's most memorable moments. Talk about two beautiful brides! Grab a tissue and watch it all go down in the video below. (BONUS: You get to see Meredith and Derek's courthouse wedding, too!)
Season 7, Episode 20: White Wedding



The Shower Scene
The road wasn't always easy for Callie and Arizona. After a horrific plane crash, the "in sickness and in health" part of their vows was definitely tested. Callie was forced to go against Arizona's wishes — and as a result Dr. Robbins' leg was amputated. In the weeks following the amputation, Arizona struggled with her new life. Callie reminded her she wasn't alone in her misery during this unforgettable scene.
Season 9, Episode 3: Love the One You're With



The End
Some things just can't be fixed. After years of ups and downs, that's what Callie realized during the recent Calzona-centric episode of Grey's Anatomy. Watch the heartbreaking moment Callie told Arizona it was over in the video below. (Cue the tears!)
Season 11, Episode 5: Bend and Break




Callie & Arizona: Kids or No Kids?

Arizona Returns from Africa

Callie Is Pregnant with Mark's Baby

Callie & Arizona: "We Are Together!"

Arizona Lets Callie Help with Her Leg

Callie Gets Arizona Back on Her Feet

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