The Bachelorette 2018 Finale Recap: Who Did Becca Choose?

The Bachelorette 2018 Finale Recap: Who Did Becca Choose?

The Bachelorette Finale is finally upon us, friends, and what a ride it has been. As you might imagine, given the whole "The Bachelorette 2018 Finale Recap" title and all, copious spoilers for basically the entire season of The Bachelorette follow. Below you will learn whether Bachelorette Becca Kufrin got engaged to Blake or Garrett, who said what on the "After the Final Rose" portion of the show, and many more juicy bits of drama to round out the season. All of which is a lengthy way of saying TURN BACK NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T YET WATCHED THE FINALE. You can watch The Bachelorette season 14 Finale right here on or in the ABC app. Still with us? Then in the words of our now fully off-the-market Becca, let's do the damn thing.

Garrett Meets Becca's Family

Becca kicks off the show by laying bare the situation here: 

That's a pretty tough way to start a situation where you can only choose one guy. So Becca makes it clear to her family that she's looking to them for help in choosing the right guy. Becca's Uncle Chuck wastes no time putting the screws to Garrett on his previous two-month marriage—this family, remember, just went through Arie Luyendyk Jr. proposing to Becca and then taking it back, so they're looking for a guy who'll stick it out with her this time around. Garrett handled it pretty well, and ended up tearing up with Chuck while discussing family. Garrett then met Becca's sister, Emily, and the waterworks turned on again when telling Emily how he'd take care of Becca, make her feel safe, and always be there for her. It made a good impression: When Garrett was leaving for the day, Emily said, "Good guy. Really, really good guy." The family was on board.

Blake Meets Becca's Family

Next up is Blake. Becca's family instantly noted the pair's great chemistry, and they all get along well. Emily tells Becca that Garrett would be a good father, and Blake would challenge Becca more. When Emily lays that out for Becca, Becca breaks down. Becca says she was sure early on that it would be Blake in the end—but now she's not so sure. 

For his part, Blake's not sure about their relationship anymore either. Becca's mom asks him what it would be like if he wasn't the one Becca picks, and it spirals from there:

Blake now feels like his relationship with Becca may have burned too bright too fast, allowing her relationship with Garrett to have a fresh new-ness that their relationship now lacks in comparison. He leaves not feeling good about the situation at all. Can't say we blame him after that.

The Final Dates

So what did we learn from the guys meeting the family? Becca's family loves both guys. They think Blake might be a better match for Becca, and that Garrett might be a bit more of a risk, but they're basically neck-and-neck. Which is to say, her family is basically no help, and Becca's right back where she started. There are no easy answers. She's just going to have to figure out who she won't be able to live without. She's got one more date with each guy to figure it out. No pressure, Becks.

Garrett comes into his final date as Blake's polar opposite, flying high off the momentum of meeting the family. He's got no hangups whatsoever about Becca, and says he won't hesitate to propose. Becca feels good about it too. She says when she first met Garrett, she reminded her of her late father, in a warm, comforting way. Garrett is pretty wildly head over heels, going so far as to say, "I love the way she says 'bag.'" So yeah, he's feeling it.

Regarding Blake, Becca says she can absolutely see a future with him. He seems to have recovered from his downward spiral after meeting Becca's family, and he's in good spirits and trusting in what they've shared together, sure that she wouldn't have just changed her mind on him overnight. It's clear they're both feeling the pressure of the looming decision here, but Blake presents Becca with a time capsule filled with mementos from their time together on the show and it allows them to reminisce on the good times, and talk about the future. Blake feels good and is looking forward to proposing.

Becca's Choice

In the morning, Becca has made her decision. Her voice cracks as she explains she's sure, a clear sign that she's dreading the other part—you know, where she basically just crushes a guy who's ready to spend his life with her. Becca waits out by the water, waiting. The first to arrive, of course, is the one who's going to experience said crushing.


Poor, sweet Blake was definitely not expecting this. There wasn't even much discussion as Becca walked him out, because he was clearly just stunned. He asks a few questions, barely hearing the answers, and then says, "I love you. Bye."

And walks away.

For her part, Becca is broken up about it as well—she's in love with Blake too, remember. Blake and Becca both cry their eyes out separately, both feeling miserable, but it's Blake who drives the final stake into his own heart: "I can imagine how happy she's going to be when Garrett proposes to her." Not gonna lie, it got pretty dusty up in the ABC Offices when he said that.

Blake joined host Chris Harrison in the studio to discuss the moment, and what's happened since. The emotions are still raw for him, and he was completely blindsided, but as a total gentleman, Blake says that he doesn't blame her and there are no hard feelings. He knows that she did what was right for her. When Becca comes out—the first time those two had seen each other since the breakup—their conversation is civil and not nearly as awkward as someone seeking closure on a relationship on national television could be. 

Becca's Proposal

...which leaves Garrett.

Garrett proposes to Becca Kufrin on The Bachelorette 2018 Finale

Becca Kufrin is engaged to Garrett!

Here's their take on the big moment:

Becca Kufrin and Garrett discuss their proposal with Chris Harrison

At long last these two kids can actually hold hands in public.

And that's a wrap on The Bachelorette 2018. Becca and Garrett are engaged and Blake's moving on. But don't fret, Bachelor Nation—join us down Mexico way for another season of Bachelor in Paradise, where your favorite bachelors and bachelorettes from the past few seasons will try once again to find love. See you next year!

The BacheloretteNews & BlogsThe Bachelorette 2018 Finale Recap: Who Did Becca Choose?