Meet the American Idol 2019 Contestants: Episode 3

The journey to find America's next superstar continues SUNDAY, MARCH 10 at 8|7c as American Idol travels to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Louisville, Kentucky; and Los Angeles, California. Meet the contestants auditioning in Episode 3!

Ashton Gill
Age: 20
Hometown: Livingston, LA
Occupation: Bridal Shop Associate
Random Fact: First concert she ever went to was Hannah Montana
Instagram: @ashtonbrooke_16

Laine Hardy
Age: 18
Hometown: Livingston, LA
Occupation: Musician
Random Fact: When he's not out on the river, he loves to play Xbox Call of Duty
Instagram: @lainehardyofficial

Austin Michael Robinson
Age: 15
Hometown: Van Alstyne, TX
Occupation: High School Student
Random Fact: Considers himself a cow-less cowboy
Instagram: @austinmichaelr_music

Jake Puliti
Age: 20
Hometown: Etters, PA
Occupation: Shoe Store Employee
Random Fact: Loves to watch Bob Ross (the painter) before bed because it helps him sleep
Instagram: @gingerspicelatte

Shawn Robinson
Age: 21
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Occupation: Hardware Store Associate
Random Fact: First CD he ever owned was Destiny's Child
Instagram: @officialprinceshawn

Nate Walker
Age: 18
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Occupation: Singer
Random Fact: Grew up singing in choir with Gabby Barrett
Instagram: @natewalkerofficial

Wade Cota
Age: 27
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Occupation: Musician
Random Fact: Can recite the entire balcony scene from "Romeo & Juliet"
Instagram: @wadecota

Riley Thompson
Age: 16
Hometown: Mabank, TX
Occupation: High School Student
Random Fact: First concert she ever went to was Taylor Swift
Instagram: @rileythompsonmusic

Peter Lemongello Jr.
Age: 19
Hometown: Boca Raton, FL
Occupation: Singer
Random Fact: His dad was the first person to sell over one million albums on TV
Instagram: @perterlemongellojr

Clay Page
Age: 24
Hometown: Elberton, GA
Occupation: Singer-Songwriter
Random Fact: First concert he ever went to was Lee Greenwood and he was called up on stage
Instagram: @claypagemusic

Drake McCain
Age: 17
Hometown: Spring City, TN
Occupation: High School Student
Random Fact: Has 10 siblings
Instagram: @drake_mccain

Madison VanDenburg
Age: 16
Hometown: Cohoes, NY
Occupation: High School Student
Random Fact: Can say the alphabet backwards in under five seconds
Instagram: @madisonvandenburg

Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon
Age: 25
Hometown: Cantonsville, MD
Occupation: Church Janitor
Random Fact: Loves to paint in his spare time
Instagram: @jlloydharmon

Watch full episodes of the new season now