Is the President Safe?
Recently the saftey of the President has been called into question. Watch the following Hot Topics covering the recent Presidential security mishaps.
White House Intruder:
The query into The President's saftety was triggered when an intruder broke into the White House. Omar J. Gonzalez not only made it past the front gates but also through the front door. Shortly after the news broke the public learned he had actually gotten much further into the White House, in which the President's daughter Sasha Obama was present, than intially reported. The co-hosts talk about the event below:
Armed Man with Violent Past Allowed in Elevator with The President:
After additional details of the intruder debacle broke another security hiccup was made public and featured during Hot Topics on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. Weeks before this incident an armed man with a violent past was allowed to ride in an elevator with the President. Watch the co-hosts reaction below:
Director of the Secret Service Resigns:
Julia Pierson, the first female Director of the Secret Service, resigned after multiple security breaches. However, the responsibility of the President's saftety was put solely on himself by Columnist Ronald Kessler. Watch the video below to find out why Kessler says if President Obama is assassinated it will be his own fault:
Cartoon Aimed to Poke Fun at Intruder Event is Criticized as Racist:
To add insult to injury the Boston Herald jokingly featured a cartoon in which The President finds an intruder in his bathroom. The cartoon has come under fire for its unintended racial undertone.