The Bachelorette Results: Contestants Joe and Jared Eliminated

The Bachelorette Results: Contestants Joe and Jared Eliminated

Last night marked Week 8 for The Bachelorette and as expected, more drama ensued. Kaitlyn Bristowe’s future prospects were narrowed down from five guys to three as the Irish festivities continued.  

The fun (and we use that term VERY loosely here) began during a three-on-one date with Shawn BNick Viall and Joe. Each guy took a turn at boldly professing his love for Kaitlyn, which she found quite flattering, but by the time Joe got around to making engagement plans, she wasn’t quite as thrilled. She tried to break it off somewhat nicely, but Joe was not having it and said some final words that he’ll probably regret saying later:

After leaving Joe to pout by himself, Kaitlyn decided to ignore the rose and turned the date into a one-on-one with Shawn. Apparently, she and Nick had talked enough for the day and they were on pleasant terms. Plus, she was aching to finally reveal to Shawn her slightly over-romantic night in San Antonio with Nick:

No one was a winner on this date.

RELATED: Kaitlyn Reveals to Shawn that She Slept with Nick Viall »

Come rose ceremony time, Kaitlyn was more than ready to get started. She tried to give Shawn the first rose, but he dramatically decided that before he could go on, they needed to have another chat -- in private. Basically, Shawn is not a fan of Nick and would rather have Kaitlyn to himself. Too bad­­! Kaitlyn is here to “explore other relationships” and Shawn will just have to get over it.

In the end, Shawn accepted his rose, as did Ben H and Nick. There was no rose for Jared, but that didn’t stop him from being the perfect gentleman on his way out. He even offered Kaitlyn his coat so she wouldn’t be too cold as she broke his heart:

Something tells us that Jared will have plenty of women waiting in line for him back home.

Kaitlyn also spent her first overnight date with Nick, and surprise! -- Nick is not a member of the Shawn B fan club. (He also introduced us to the term "Eskimo brothers" in the process of running down Shawn for Kaitlyn.) While Kaitlyn and Nick still managed to have a nice time on their date, the tension between Nick and Shawn continues to grow.

The episode ended right in the middle of a major fight between Nick and Shawn:

We can only imagine the “fun” to come for the remaining three contestants as the emotions get even more intense:

Ben H


Shawn B 

Watch The Bachelorette, MONDAYS 8|7c on ABC.

The BacheloretteNews & BlogsThe Bachelorette Results: Contestants Joe and Jared Eliminated