6 Classic Grey's Anatomy Elevator Scenes to Watch This Valentine’s Day

Some of the most important things that happen on Grey's Anatomy take place in the hospital's infamous elevator. Steamy kisses? Check. Proposals? Check. Break-ups? Check. Fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants surgery? Check. Those walls see it all! With Valentine's Day fast apporaching, it's only fair to treat ourselves to the scenes that make Grey's Anatomy hard to resist.

Watch the clips below to see some of the most unforgettable elevator moments ever.

1. Derek Proposes to Meredith
What better place for Derek (Patrick Dempsey) to propose than the elevator where he and Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) shared stolen kisses, awkward silences and life-changing decisions? It's one of those perfect Grey's moments that we just want to watch over and over again.
Season 5, Episode 19: Elevator Love Letter

Derek Proposes to Meredith!|Watch the classic Season 5 elevator scene here.|With a little help from Richard, Derek is able to propose to Meredith. Watch this Grey's Anatomy scene from Season 5, Episode 19: Elevator Love Letter to see Derek tell Meredith he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

2. Wish You'd Taken the Stairs
Who can forget Derek's awkward elevator ride when three of his exes get in: Meredith, Addison (Kate Walsh) and nurse Rose (Lauren Stamile)? When Mark (Eric Dane) sees who's in the elevator with Derek, he can't help but laugh and tell Derek, "bet you wish you'd taken the stairs."
Season 4, Episode 13: Piece of My Heart

Derek's Awkward Elevator Ride|Derek wishes he'd taken the stairs in this classic Grey's moment.|Derek (Patrick Dempsey) wishes he'd taken the stairs when he runs into his three exes in the elevator: Addison (Kate Walsh), Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Rose (Lauren Stamile). Watch as Mark (Eric Dane) laughs at his discomfort in this Grey's Anatomy scene from Season 4, Episode 13: Piece of My Heart.

3. George Flies Solo
When the power goes out at Seattle Grace, George (T.R. Knight) and Alex (Justin Chambers) are stuck in the elevator with a rookie cop who's got a gun-shot wound to the chest. The patient is crashing and George realizes it's up to him to save his life. With Burke's (Isaiah Washington) help, George performs his first open-heart surgery. Way to go, 007!
Season 2, Episode 5: Bring the Pain

George Has to Operate in the Elevator|A power outage leads to George's first solo surgery.|When a power outage strikes Seattle Grace, George (T.R. Knight) and Alex (Justin Chambers) are stuck in the elevator with a patient who will die unless they operate immediately. With Burke's (Isaiah Washington) supervision, George will have to fly solo for the first time. Enjoy this Grey’s Anatomy scene from Season 2, Episode 5: Bring the Pain.

4. Derek Breaks Down
After a devastating train wreck, Derek must decide which of two victims impaled on a pole to save. He can't save the woman and chokes up when telling her fiance she died speaking of him. As he and Bailey (Chandra Wilson) get in the elevator, she realizes he needs a moment and hits the STOP button, giving him a private place to grieve.
Season 2, Episode 6: Into You Like a Train

Bailey & Derek in the Elevator|Bailey stops the elevator so Derek can have a moment.|After a heartbreaking case, Bailey (Chandra Wilson) stops the elevator so Derek (Patrick Dempsey) can have a moment to grieve in private on Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 6 "Into You Like a Train."

5. Don't Let Her Get Away
In an episode where a patient (Marion Ross) admits she let the love of her life go for 50 years, Callie (Sara Ramirez) is missing Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) at a complicated point in their relationship. As she says earlier in the episode, "All I want is for her to change her mind and say yes. I want to believe." When she ends up in the elevator with Arizona, they share a searing but heartbreaking kiss.
Season 6, Episode 22: Shiny Happy People

Callie and Arizona Kiss in the Elevator|Watch this classic moment from Season 6!|While sorting out their relationship, Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) share a passionate kiss in the elevator. Watch this Grey's Anatomy scene from Season 6, Episode 22: Shiny Happy People.

6. Owen Leaves Cristina
After Owen (Kevin McKidd) saves Cristina's (Sandra Oh) life from a van that crashes into the hospital lobby, she's blindsided by his decision to move out. He tells her when they both end up in the elevator and she can only say "Okay." She tears up as the door closes on the elevator — and on their relationship.
Season 8, Episode 14: All You Need is Love

Owen Tells Cristina He's Moving Out|Owen gives Cristina some heartbreaking news.|After reaching an impasse about the issue of having a child, Owen (Kevin McKidd) tells Cristina (Sandra Oh) he's moving out in this classic Grey's Anatomy moment from Season 8, Episode 14: All You Need is Love.

Still pining for more Valentine's Day love? Check out more swoon-worthy moments between our two favorites couples: Meredith and Derek and Jackson and April

Season 12 of Grey's Anatomy will surely produce more elevator moments but in the meantime you can watch past episodes by visiting our episode guide page on abc.com. Don't forget to tune in for all-new episodes of Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c!