ABC News' Robin Roberts Talks With Supermodel Gisele Bündchen on Impact x Nightline on Hulu

In a deeply personal interview, iconic supermodel Gisele Bündchen opens her South Florida home to ABC News' Robin Roberts for a wide-ranging interview about co-parenting after her divorce from former NFL quarterback Tom Brady, the ups and downs of her modeling career, and her new cookbook "Nourish." Bündchen also talks with Roberts about how she stays balanced, her passion for a holistic lifestyle, which includes daily meditation and breathwork practices, as well as spending time in and around nature, and living freely and unapologetically. A portion of the new interview airs on "Good Morning AmericaTHURSDAY, MARCH 7, the in-depth interview begins streaming on ABC News Studios' "Impact x Nightline" on the same day, only on Hulu. 


"Hopefully we are not the same person we were yesterday. I mean, I think that shows that we are evolving. I'm a forever student of life. I'm a very different person." – Gisele