The Businesses and Products from Season 13, Episode 10 of Shark Tank

Kevin Hart—actor, investor and entrepreneur—brings his unique perspective and desire to inspire the country's sharpest entrepreneurs this week on "Shark Tank." First into the Tank are entrepreneurs from Los Angeles, California, who pitch their fun tool that takes snacking to the next level. Entrepreneurs from Los Angeles, California, introduce their out-of-this-world product made from space-age materials that they hope will replace a goods patented before the lightbulb; while entrepreneurs from Flossmoor, Illinois, present their online social network that allows fans to have a real connection with their favorite celebrities and influencers. Entrepreneurs from Middletown, Delaware, and Vancouver, British Columbia, hope their independent Black content book publishing company will help change the way people learn about African history.


Mark Cuban
Lori Greiner
Kevin O'Leary
Barbara Corcoran
Kevin Hart

SNACTIV is an ergonomic snacking tool that keeps your hands and devices clean, while keeping your concentration on the things that matter.

Smart Tire Company
The SMART Tire Company is producing the world's first high performance airless tire made from space-age materials originally developed by NASA.

Candi is a social network that allows fans to video chat with their favorite celebrities and influencers. Nothing is pre-recorded; face to face & live!

Black Sands Entertainment
Black Sands Entertainment is a Black-owned comic publishing house with an award-winning series and anime in production. We sell comics, manga, and have a digital app called BSP Comics for all your reading needs.