President Obama to Appear on Kimmel THURSDAY, MARCH 12

President Obama to Appear on Kimmel THURSDAY, MARCH 12

President Barack Obama will be making his second-ever appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday, March 12, 2015, and this time he'll be live in the studio with Jimmy devoting plenty of time to interview him! President Obama first visited Jimmy back in June 2008 (before he was President), and he appeared via satellite. For the President's return, Jimmy's other guests will include actor Sean Penn. #ObamaOnKimmel

In honor of President Obama's upcoming appearance, here are some classic bits featuring the Commander-in-Chief.

This Week in Unnecessary Censorship: Obama Explains What He's Here to Do


Watch Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC WEEKNIGHTS 11:35|10:35c.

Jimmy Kimmel Live!News & BlogsNewsPresident Obama to Appear on Kimmel THURSDAY, MARCH 12