Josh and Andi's Love Story

Josh and Andi's Love Story

Josh and Andi have been on quite a journey during their time on The Bachelorette.  Andi gave her final rose to Josh after he proposed to her.  Take a walk down memory lane with Josh and Andi.


Meet Josh M|This ex-baseball pro is looking to knock one out of the park.|This ex-baseball pro is looking to knock one out of the park in the love department on the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.

Here is Josh's introduction video that was shot before he arrived at the mansion.


Josh M Doesn't Want to Be Stereotyped|He tells Andi that he's not your average jock.|Josh M tries to make a case for Andi that he's not your average jock, and his plea makes an impression on her, on Week 2 of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.

In Week Two, Josh asks Andi not to stereotype him as an athlete.  Andi admits she has dated athletes before and placed Josh into that same category/type.


You're Making Me Nervous|Josh M. uses a hand to the face to get Andi to stop making him nervous.|Josh M. talks about how nervous he is talking to her. He tells Andi to stop and places his hand over her face to tell her to stop making him nervous.


Josh also literally pushed Andi away...


The Guys Perform "I'll Make Love To You"|Their take on the Boyz II Men classic.|The bachelors perform the Boyz II Men classic "I'll Make Love To You," and only a couple of them forget their lines, and near as we can tell, only one audience member covers her ears.


 During the Boys II Men Group Date, Josh forgot the his lyrics to "I'll Make Love to You" but Andi still had a great time on the date.


Josh Opens Up About Past Relationships|He's still concerned about the jock stereotype.|Josh and Andi discuss the jock stereotype -- what it means, and why it might not apply to Josh -- as Josh opens up to her about past relationship pains, on Week 5 of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.


Josh and Andi discuss his past relationships during their first one-on-one date in Marsaille, France.


Josh Freaks Out Over the Lie Detector|Andi wonders if he's hiding something.|Josh is really uncomfortable about the lie detector test, and his nervousness makes Andi start to question how she feels about him, on Week 6 of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.


Josh dampened the mood during the "lie detector" group date in Venice, Italy.  What did Josh have to hide?


Josh Is Falling In Love|The words that Andi has been longing to hear.|Andi has been waiting for Josh to open up and say he's falling for her, and he finally does, on Week 7 of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.


Josh tells Andi that he's falling in love with her during his second one-on-one date in Belgium.


Is Andi Ready for Josh's Family?|Or are they more focused on Aaron Murray's football career?|As Josh's brother Aaron prepares for the NFL draft, Andi wonders if she and Josh will be able to create their own life apart from his family and football, on Week 8 of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.


During Josh's hometown visit, Andi is concerned with Josh's committment to his family.  Andi wonders if he's ready to take a step away from his family to start a family with her.


What Kind of Dad Would Josh Be?|Andi and Josh talk parenting styles.|After a day playing baseball with kids in the Dominican Republic, Andi and Josh talk about parenting styles, on Week 9 of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.

Josh tells Andi what kind of dad he'd be if they were to have children.


Josh Bares His Heart to Andi|He's as vulnerable as can be before Andi makes her decision.|Before Andi makes her decision, Josh pours his heart out for Andi, putting himself in a very vulnerable position, on the Season Finale of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.


Josh nervously tells Andi that she's the one for him.


Josh Proposes to Andi|The final moments of Andi's journey on The Bachelorette.|Andi chronicles her relationship with Josh, reveals her love, and Josh asks Andi to marry him, on the Season Finale of the 2014 season of The Bachelorette.


Josh keeps Josh on his toes until the very end.  Andi tells Josh that she's loved him for the first time she laid eyes on him.


Josh and Andi make their first appearance as a couple.

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