Bachelor in Paradise 2019, Week 3, Part 1 Recap: Onyeka's Bombshell, Demi's Big Decision

Last week, Bachelor In Paradise ended on a very tense note as Christian and Jordan were in the midst of what somehow turned into a physical altercation over a piñata. The things you see in Paradise, huh? Watch Bachelor In Paradise Week 3, Part 1 right here on or in the ABC app, and read on for the highlights!

The Fates of Christian and Jordan

No need to recap a fight, because the bottom line is that two grown men don't need to be throwing punches over a piñata. Security stepped in and calmed everything down, medical professionals checked everyone out, and then Chris Harrison came in to sort through the aftermath with the rest of the cast:

Drama in Paradise? We're here for it. Actual fighting? Not so much.

The Roses

With Christian and Jordan gone, only two of the remaining men are facing elimination, rather than four. But then Onyeka drops a bombshell:

So we're back up to three guys going home tonight. And, of course, the big question was who would be receiving Hannah's rose, because both Blake and Dylan were pushing for it hard. Here's where the roses landed:

Demi --> Derek
Katie --> Chris
Nicole --> Clay
Caelynn --> Dean
Tayshia --> John Paul Jones
--> Mike
Hannah --> Dylan
Kristina --> Blake

As a result, it was the end of the line for Cam, Kevin and Wills

New Love...

Everyone is thrilled that the morning after the Rose Ceremony feels calm and cool. The guys and girls are equal in number, the drama mostly extinguished. But of course, shakeups are inevitable, and that day, a new arrival appears: Caitlin. As a vet from Colton's season of The Bachelor (as well as the Stagecoach Festival), she's already acquainted with a bunch of the people here, but when you're coming in hot to a Paradise full of established couples, you're probably going to get more suspicious glances than anything else. But she chooses Blake for the date, who isn't currently coupled up, and he catches her up on the happenings in Paradise and they have a good time. 

Dylan and Hannah also get a chance for some 1-on-1 romance when Dylan gets a date card. And their date delivers, as Dylan tells Hannah that he's never developed feelings for someone this quickly—and even drops the L-word in there: 

Likewise, things are going pretty well for John Paul Jones and Tayshia, who seem to be cementing their coupled status quite nicely:

...and Old Love

But amidst all the happy couples, trouble brews. Bachelorette Hannah Brown shows up on the beach, and she plans on re-dating every single one of the guys from her season!

Okay, that's not at all why she's here, but we would definitely watch that show. She's there to pay her pal Demi a visit. She knows Demi was a bit conflicted about Paradise, given that she had been dating someone she was into back home, and wants to see how Demi is doing with all that. The answer, of course, is complicated: Demi really likes Derek, but can't stop thinking about the woman she was dating before. She has another conversation about it with Derek, and says that she kinda downplayed her feelings for the woman in the past. Nevertheless, Derek wants to press on...but does Demi? After their conversation, things get murky:

Will she stay or will she go? Watch TONIGHT 8|7c and find out! 

Tune in MONDAYS & TUESDAYS 8|7c to see more Bachelor in Paradise.