Hannah's Blistering Speech to Luke on The Bachelorette 2019

Last night's episode of The Bachelorette was filled with big moments and more than a few great speeches. The guys professed their love, voiced their concerns, and set Bachelorette Hannah Brown's mind at ease. But Hannah definitely stole the show when defending herself against Luke P.'s claim that Hannah was somehow tainting her "purity" if she had slept with any of the other guys—and that if it turned out she had slept with any of them, he was outta there.

(If you want the full context of this episode, stop here and stream The Bachelorette 2019 Week 10 here on ABC.com or in the ABC app,) 

Hannah and Luke have had a rollercoaster of a relationship. It started off well, as Luke was one of the guys Hannah met upon being first revealed as the next Bachelorette in the season finale of The Bachelor:

After that initial how-do-you-do, the two hit it off well on the season premiere of The Bachelorette, with Luke taking the honor of the First impression Rose:

Then, in Week 2, Luke dropped what has to be the earliest L-bomb in Bachelorette history, telling Miss Brown that he was falling in love with her. In Week 2! That's...a lot. Though Hannah was obviously into Luke, she also wanted to make sure that he wasn't just getting wrapped up in "winning" her, and told him to slow his roll:

It was right around here that Luke started to get irritated with the other guys for taking up what he considered "his" time with Hannah. The other guys called that a bunch of BS. With the tensions now running high between Luke and the other guys, there were more or less weekly scuffles between them, which dominated much of the intra-house interaction. 

With Hannah, Luke was sometimes fawning and sometimes a little stiff, confusing Hannah as to which one was the real Luke, to the point that she tried to enlist the producers to get Luke to open up about his feelings. With other guys coming to her about what they considered Luke's lies and manipulations, she doubted her read on him, and eventually decided that he wasn't being real and it was time for him to leave:

Buuuuuut, then he just kinda wouldn't leave:

So he was still in the running for Hannah's heart.

As the weeks went on, the guys never stopped fighting with Luke, but Hometowns and Fantasy Suites did provide more 1-on-1 time for Hannah and Luke away from the other guys and mostly away from the drama. 

Until last night.

On their day in Greece, Hannah and Luke started off just fine, with the two helicoptering off to the Greek island of Santorini. But once day turned to night, Luke turned to more sensitive topics, and told Hannah that he was ready to leave if she'd had sex with any of the other guys:

Hannah immediately took issue with this. Luke started to walk it back, saying that he would only want to go home if she had sex with ALL of the other guys, but Hannah reiterated that it wasn't okay no matter what his terms. "You don't own me," she said. "You don't get to decide what I can and can't do." The more she talked, the more upset with him she became.

And then, Hannah finally put it all out there to make it clear to Luke how she feels—her wonderful, powerful speech to let him know what Hannah Brown is all about:

"...and I do not want you to be my husband." Those words are probably going to haunt Luke for quite some time after this.

Don't miss The Bachelorette MONDAYS 8|7c on ABC!