The Bachelorette 2019 Recap: Luke Won't Leave and The Men Tell All

Guys. The Luke P. story. It's just so amazing at every turn. So amazing. This week on The Bachelorette we witnessed the men telling all, but more importantly, we watched what is somehow probably the most stunning moment of Luke's journey thus far—and that's saying a lot for a guy who's managed to 1) get sent home and just come back on his own, 2) be a part of possibly all but like two moments of drama (Cam got a bit of flak early in the season), and 3) tell Bachelorette Hannah Brown he would go home if she slept with any of the other guys. The bar for "amazing" was very high, but I think we still managed to eclipse it. Oh also, it was the Men Tell All, and Luke was there to face Hannah and all the guys, which provided even more wild moments. If you haven't watched the episode yet, we highly recommend streaming The Bachelorette 2019 The Men Tell All here on or in the ABC app, or continue reading this Bachelorette recap for this week's highlights! 

Luke Returns

Okay y'all, I think we can all agree that Luke was sent home last week. That happened. Hannah made it clear. But see, Luke is like, no. He decides that he would rather not be sent home. He would, in fact, rather be part of the Rose Ceremony. So when Hannah shows up and finds him there she's a little like What? and a lot like OH HELL NO:

Is Luke going to once again defy Hannah's will and stick around? Short answer: No.

She holds very, very firm and this time isn't going to be convinced by any of Luke's words. Jed, Peter, and Tyler are there as well, ready to step in if Hannah needs it, but she definitely does not:

And that, friends, is the end of the story of Luke P. on The Bachelorette 2019.

More of Luke P. on The Bachelorette 2019


Okay, technically, the Rose Ceremony was not the end, since the episode then moved back to the Men Tell All, and Luke was first up in the hot seat. He walks out to a few scattered claps and a bunch of shaking heads. Luke says that his behavior was the result of being blindsided—he only wanted to fight for Hannah, and when it was clear he wouldn't get her, he wanted clarity and closure. As far as how he feels he was portrayed on the show, he says "narcissist" is "pushing it a little far" in terms of his character, though he admits to being prideful and arrogant.

Luke was criticized during the season for his fluid approach to the truth, in that he could change his mind to fit the situation rather quickly. That was on display tonight as well. To wit, here is Luke:

Also Luke:

To be fair, he added some more context there on the show about the opportunity to grow, but you can see what the guys were on about. Devin can't even keep quiet during Luke's time in the hot seat, coming out from the dressing room to call Luke out:

Mike says he doesn't think Luke actually learned anything, and that he thinks Luke is "a narcissistic, cantankerous misogynist," adding that "your future wife is going to be a prisoner of you if you don't know how to change." Yikes.

Luke apologizes to the guys, but they don't seem interested in anything Luke has to say, nor do they believe that he's actually contrite. For his part, Matteo—he of the 114 children—thinks that the humiliation Luke's already faced is the punishment for his actions.

More Hot Seat & Hannah's Shame

Crowd favorite John Paul Jones (nickname: "John Paul Jones") took the hot seat for a bit to discuss all the fun he had on the show. After they showed the moment where he let Hannah cut a lock of his hair to keep, someone comes down from the audience to do the same—so by the time JPJ joins us again in Paradise, he may be bald.

Chris Harrison then brings out some chicken nuggets in his honor and JPJ helps toss them into the crowd. Mike gets his turn in the hot seat as well, and says he was having a tough time with the breakup, but that he's happy to see Hannah again and has no hard feelings.

Then Hannah jumps into the hot seat, and she lights up Luke again, saying she's tired of being "slut shamed" by Luke:

The pressure is so intense that when they come back from break, Luke just gets up and leaves. And that really is the end of the story of Luke P. on The Bachelorette 2019.

Bloopers and Sneak Peeks

You like bloopers? You like bloopers. Here, bloopers:

Afterward, Hannah apologized for her part in keeping "The Luke P. Show" going, but said she feels confident it's been canceled and won't be seen again.

And of course, we need a little sneak peek at The Bachelorette 2019 finale, which, despite the absence of Luke, still promises some crazy drama and potentially injuries:

If you think that's it, YOU'RE CRAZY: We've also got your first look at Season 6 of Bachelor in Paradise! Watch:

Next week, the stunning conclusion to Hannah's journey to find love will unfold live over a two-night, history-making finale event, MONDAY & TUESDAY JULY 29 & 30 8|7c on The Bachelorette. Don't miss it!