Chelsea Clinton & Jimmy's PSA Supporting "Serve a Year"
Chelsea Clinton visited Jimmy Kimmel Live this evening to launch a new campaign "Serve A Year" to encourage young people to donate a year of their lives to causes serving America. While Chelsea’s message was clear, Jimmy Kimmel was a bit confused on the initiative's purpose as evident in this public service announcement. Watch Chelsea explain "Serve A Year" while Jimmy misinterprets it as a good way to get out of jury duty or seeing your friend's improv show:
According to Jimmy, there's no "I" in "service"

If Jimmy had his way, he call the campaign "National Ninja Warrior Squadron."

Among the many serious challenges American faces, Chelsea lists childhood poverty, low graduation rates and youth unemployment. Also, gluten, according to Jimmy.

From the Monday, March 23, 2015 episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Watch Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC WEEKNIGHTS 11:35|10:35c.