Jimmy Kimmel and Guillermo Get a Ballet Lesson from Misty Copeland

Jimmy Kimmel and Guillermo wanted to culture themselves during their week long visit in Brooklyn.  Misty Copeland was kind enough to help Jimmy and Guillermo fit in a ballet lesson in New York.  To get a good feel of their level and to prevent them from injuring themselves, Misty started them on the bar practicing a very simple plie.  Misty's first compliment to Jimmy was "you actually have really gorgeous legs."  Guillermo reiterated that "I've been telling you that for life."

Misty taught them many of the principles of ballet.  Jimmy desired to be called a "ballerino" and not a dancer.  While Jimmy and Guillermo thought they had perfect form, Misty made sure to keep them in check and let them know they weren't meeting her standards.


The most difficult portion of the practice was practicing the changement.  The simple hop in place while changing feet gave Jimmy and Guillermo wardrobe difficulties with their sensitive areas.  This isn't the first time Jimmy and Guillermo have dressed up.  Check out when they went wedding dress shopping with Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe.



During a testimonial, Jimmy shares that "When you dance like I do.  Every ballet is a nutcracker."  Misty gave a very blunt testimonial and shared "ballet was born in Italy more than 600 years ago...and today it died."

Watch last night's episode with guests Bill Murray, Misty Copeland and Music from Ryan Adams


All of their hard work came together for Jimmy and Guillermo's live performance with Misty Copeland and the American Ballet.  Misty helped guide Jimmy and Guillermo throughout the dance.

From the October 19th Episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live with guests Bill Murray, Misty Copeland and musical guest Ryan Adams.  See this week's Brooklyn guests.

Watch Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC WEEKNIGHTS 11:35|10:35c.