Marcia Clark on "The View": Reveals What She Thinks of "The People vs O.J Simpson: American Crime Story" and More

Marcia Clark on "The View": Reveals What She Thinks of "The People vs O.J Simpson: American Crime Story" and More

Former Prosecutor Marcia Clark joined "The View" Hot Topics table to share her reaction to the new show "The People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story." The show portrays the famous trial of O.J. Simpson, which Marcia Clark prosecuted. 

Marcia feels show creator Ryan Murphy nailed the issues of racism and sexism surrounding the case. She thinks it was a gift to be played by Sarah Paulson who is phenomenal and accurately portrays the internal emotions she felt during the circus of the trial. Watch what happened when the conversation continued after the show.

Marcia Clark continues the conversation about the O.J. trial with "The View" co-hosts after the show. She explains that many factors attributed to her losing the case such as insurmountable issues of celebrity and race. Marcia is not even sure if a video of O.J. committing the crime would have been enough to put him. in jail. Marcia says “The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story” really shows, like no other series has, how tough the trial was and the reasons for the racial divide over the verdict.

Should camera's be allowed in the court room? Marcia feels cameras in the courtroom can at times be a good thing. The co-hosts ask if the O.J. verdict makes celebrities and athletes today think they can get away with crimes.  Marcia does not think the verdict makes them feel untouchable. She no longer feels as upset over the verdict as she did before. Although, she admits she will not completely recover. Marcia has gone on with her life and pursued her childhood dream of writing crime fiction.

The ViewNews & BlogsView NewsMarcia Clark on "The View": Reveals What She Thinks of "The People vs O.J Simpson: American Crime Story" and More