'The View' Hot Topic: Was President Trump's Weekend Rant Really About NFL and NBA Players?
'The View' co-hosts discuss President Donald Trump taking to Twitter over the weekend to bash players from the NBA and NFL for not kneeling during the National Anthem. Many pushed back on Trump's statements, including LeBron James who call Trump the Bum in Chief, to defend both leagues. Trump insists that kneeling during the anthem has nothing to do with race, however, 'The View' co-hosts explain why kneeling during the anthem is a racial issue as people are making a peaceful protest for all to be treated equally. Joy Behar also suggests Trump's angry tirade was more so about him feeling the pressure of Robert Mueller's investigation. Watch 'The View' WEEKDAYS 11e|10c|p.
TV-14 | 09.25.17 | 04:54 | CC