Chris Sends Jillian Home

Jillian arrived with a wealth of confidence that never really waned, and a swimsuit that required censoring with a black box for broadcast air, but in the end, it wasn't enough to woo Chris Soules. In Week 4 of The Bachelor, Chris sent the brash news producer home. Here, we'll break down her time on the show.

Read Jillian's full bio here ยป

The Woman: We met the 25-year-old from Washington, DC, even before Chris did in this little introduction package from the first episode, which gave us a taste of her unapologetic pluck:

Meet the Bachelorette: Jillian|Will this hardworking news producer intimidate Chris?|Jillian works hard and intimidates a lot of guys. Will Chris Soules be up for it? See more of this news producer's story in this clip from The Bachelor's 2015 season premiere.

If nothing else, we were fully aware of her dedication to working out at this point. Her confidence definitely came in handy when she made not one but two fairly sizeable gaffes during the Rose Ceremony in Week 2 -- first stepping up for a rose that wasn't meant for her, and then slipping on the rug -- allowing her to laugh it off and take it about as well as anyone possibly could:

Jillian's Doubly Embarrassing Slip-Up|You may consider the tension of the Rose Ceremony broken.|Jillian shakes up the Rose Ceremony by having a mental slip-up closely followed by a physical one: First, she mistakenly steps forward for a rose that isn't hers, and then she slips on the carpet. To be fair, she handles it about as well as anyone possibly could, although she'd likely take it all back if given the chance. From Week 2 of the 2015 season of The Bachelor.

How She Got This Far: Chris said that based purely on physical attraction and how "cute and fun" she is, Jillian would probably be in his Top 3. It probably doesn't hurt that she wears swimsuits that are so skimpy that we actually have to put a black box on her lower half when she's on camera, as captured in the clip below:

Jillian and Megan Break into Chris's House|Trying on his clothes and testing his safety gear.|Jillian and Megan sneak down to Chris's house, let themselves in, and have a look around. They try on some of his clothes, mess with his motorcycle, and Megan makes sure she really tests his motorcycle helmet by wearing it and then ramming her head into every solid surface in the joint. From Week 2 of the 2015 season of The Bachelor.

Chris did a fair amount of smooching with her, including some hot tub action that had Ashley I. breaking down in tears, so he wasn't making up the attraction he felt for her.

Where It Went Wrong: Sometimes it can be a little challenging to determine the moment when things took a turn for the worse, but that wasn't the case with Jillian. After she won the wedding dress mud run, she had the privilege of flying to San Francisco with Chris to share a little 1-on-1 time. Chris reiterated his excitement to have this time with her, but once she started talking he felt he couldn't get a word in edgewise:

Jillian Talks Chris's Ear Off|Chris starts to think that maybe this isn't going to work out.|After winning the wedding dress mud run, Jillian gets a date with Chris in San Francisco. She takes advantage of that time by telling him about herself -- maybe too much. Chris can't even keep up with her one-sided conversation. From Week 4 of the 2015 season of The Bachelor.

From there it seemed the next part was pretty inevitable. The hardest part of watching this is the moment where it really hits Jillian that she's not getting the rose. Heartbreaking:

Chris Sends Jillian Home|Their 1-on-1 date ends with tears.|After Jillian wins the mud run, she and Chris fly to San Francisco for a 1-on-1 date that evening. But Chris doesn't feel like they have the chemistry he's looking for, and sends her home without a rose. From Week 4 of the 2015 season of The Bachelor.

That's the end of the road for Jillian on The Bachelor. But as determined as she is to find love and as driven as she appears to be about everything she's into, we'd imagine she'll succeed.