Episode 304: New Year's: Gabriel's 3 Beef 3 Ways

Challenge: New Year's

Dish: Gabriel's 3 Beef 3 Ways: Rib Eye, Marrow, and Heart.


Rib eye:
1 lbs rib eye
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp miso
Salt & pepper

Beef heart:
1 lb beef heart (cleaned)
1 tbsp miso
1/8 cup soy
1/8 cup mirin
2 sprigs herbs & rosemary

Bone marrow:
1 femur worth bone marrow
Salt and pepper to taste

2 bunches radish
2 tbsp butter
Salt and pepper
Sherry vinegar
¼ roasted bone marrow

1/8 cup apple brunoise
1/8 cup radish brunoise
1/8 cup parsley, minced
Lemon juice, to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste
Olive oil

Veal jus
Sherry vinegar
Red wine, reduced 3 times
2 tbsp butter


Rib eye:
Season rib eye and sear in hot cast iron pan with olive oil. Cook until medium rare and let rest. During cooking process, add a tbsp of butter and herbs.

Beef heart:
Clean heart: When clean and free of skin and grit, rub with marinade of miso, soy,
mirin, salt, pepper and herbs. Let marinate for 30 min.

To cook: put cast iron pan over high heat and cook until it smokes. Add a drop of oil and then sear the heart on all sides. Be sure it remains rare! It should be like seared tuna.

Bone marrow:
Remove bone marrow from bone, cook in hot cast iron skillet over high heat. Roll around pan to ensure it is browned evenly. Slice lengthwise down the center and then into ¼ inch pieces.

Reduce veal stock. When it coats the base of a spoon, add red wine, and reduce to taste. Mount with butter. Finish with sherry vinegar.

Brunoise apple and radish. Mince parsley. Mix all ingredients together and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Finish with a touch of oil.

Put a swoosh of radish puree. Lay slice of steak on top. Then beef heart and then marrow. Top meat with sauce. Top with brunoise. Finish with salt.