The Bachelorette Finale 2019 Night 1 Recap: Who Are the Final Two?

Well folks, there comes a time in every bachelorette's journey where she has to choose a guy and start her new life, and for Bachelorette Hannah Brown, that time is fast approaching as The Bachelorette Season 15 draws to a close. Luke P. may be gone, but Hannah still has a rough road ahead of her, paring down the three remaining men—Jed, Peter, and Tyler—to just one with whom she'll spend her life. Also, why are people talking about Jed and dog food? It's all below. You can stream The Bachelorette Finale 2019, Part 1 here on or in the ABC app, or continue reading this Bachelorette recap for this week's highlights! 

The Rose Ceremony

It's easy to get lost in the drama that was Luke P.'s dramatic farewell, but that all took place just as Hannah was getting ready to let one of her final 3 men go. And this episode hopped right back on that horse, taking us directly to the ceremony and Hannah's difficult decision. She has very close, very emotional relationships with Jed, Peter, and Tyler, so sending any of them home is going to hurt. But one of them has to go home. 

So, who are the final two on The Bachelorette? The answer lies here:

It's tough to come all this way and not quite make it, and Peter's tears reflected that. But he was gracious and kind, and though this moment was never going to be easy, he handled it well. 

Back in the studio, Chris Harrison sat down with Peter to recount their love story, and see where he is today. Peter says that some part of him will always love Hannah, but he's trying to move on. When they bring Hannah out, it's all very cordial, although Hannah says she was scared the whole time she was on the show. And Peter being a little apprehensive of sharing his love for her might have made a difference there. Despite that, Peter says that he wouldn't change anything about his journey. 

Hannah, however, feels that she has to make a correction to something she said on the show, and you really have to watch this one to believe it:

So it was FOUR times. Chris Harrison saluting Peter is about all there is to say on that.

Meeting the Parents

As the final two guys, Jed and Tyler had the pleasure of meeting Hannah's parents, Susanne and Robert, in Greece. Tyler goes first and it goes really well; Hannah's father was particularly impressed when Hannah recounted that she specifically didn't want to be physical with Tyler in the Fantasy Suite, and Tyler was very respectful about the whole thing. Hannah says that that's the moment she realized it wasn't just lust. It was love. She can see him as her husband. She tells him that she's falling in love with him. Both of her parents say she looks like she's in love, and both are fans of Tyler.

The next day it's Jed's turn, and it doesn't go nearly as well. As the subject turns to Jed's passion, music, Hannah's parents stiffen a bit. Hannah's mom sits her down for a serious talk after she chats with Jed, and is so concerned about his path that she starts crying. She feels like Jed's going to have to spend a lot of late nights in bars pursuing his dream—and even then, there are no guarantees. Will that be enough for Hannah? Hannah is now a bit confused. And it gets worse when she talks to her father:

Jed mentions the dog food jingle to give an example of concrete results in his career, but that doesn't seem to sway Robert at all. It seems that if her parents were choosing, they'd choose Tyler. But this is The Bachelorette, not Hannah's Parents Find Her a Husband Who They Feel Can Properly Support Their Daughter, so their opinion is just another data point, not the final say. That said, their opinions obviously hold a lot of weight for Hannah, so she's freaking out. 

The Final 1-on-1 Dates

Hannah has one more day with each of the men in Greece, and this is the end of the line: One more day with each of them, and then it's decision time. Tyler's day goes swimmingly, as the two opt for a do-over on their relatively disastrous horseback ride in The Netherlands. This time, the horses cooperate, and they have a great day. Tyler can envision their future together, and Hannah says she could see being in his arms forever.

Once again, Jed's date falls a bit short. It starts almost immediately when the two meet up, as they hop on a sailboat that very quickly encounters rough waters...rough enough that Hannah starts to feel ill. As the treacherous sea pick up, Hannah starts to wonder: A metaphor for the relationship, potentially? (Not that Jed makes her wanna barf, just the part about rough waters ahead.) Coupled with the uncertainty of Jed's impression on her parents, Hannah's really anxious and not at all sure of what she should do next.

That night at dinner, Jed tells her that he's incredibly anxious as well. But he also says he can't picture his life without her. They're both stressed about Hannah's parents and their take on Jed's music career, but they agree that it's nothing that can't be overcome. 

When Hannah leaves, she says she knows they both love her. And she knows she's going to have to break one of their hearts tomorrow. 

But whose?

The Bachelorette rumors are going crazy this year, and tonight we're going to get all the answers. We couldn't possibly leave you hanging without a look at tonight's Bachelorette finale 2019, so here it is:

Don't miss the Bachelorette 2019 finale, TOMORROW 8|7c on ABC!