The Bachelor 2015 Week 8: Results

This week of The Bachelor was huge: Hometown Dates. The bachelorettes visited Bachelor Chris Soules's hometown last week, but this week, it was his turn to visit the ladies' hometowns -- and that meant Jade had a big secret to unveil.

But before that journey could begin, Week 8 began with the Rose Ceremony in Iowa. And before that could even begin, Britt grabbed Chris so she could discuss a few things with him. She had somewhat tentatively decided to go home (though the other girls were sure it was just a ploy and that she actually wanted Chris to beg to make her stay), but she wanted to talk with Chris first to see if there was still hope for their relationship. It went...poorly:

So Britt, a frontrunner for Chris's heart for most of the show, was going home.

One of the big make-it-or-break-it moments of the Hometown dates was sure to be Jade's hometown date. We learned in Week 7 that Jade had been keeping a secret from Chris that had the potential to impact their relationship in a big way:

So when Chris visited Jade's hometown of Gering, Nebraska, she told him her story and waited for his reaction:

A huge relief for the moidwest beauty, no doubt. Chris said that the fact she had done some nude modeling wasn't an issue -- it was something that they'd deal with together if they were to be married, and either way, it didn't change the way that he felt about Jade.

The downside to that story is that it seemed that Chris had already felt as if his relationships with the other women had developed further. So though Jade's story didn't negatively affect their relationship, Chris was already leaning toward Becca, Kaitlyn and Whitney as the women he would be taking to the Fantasy Suite, leaving Jade out in the cold:

Here are the full results from Week 7 and 8 of season 19 of The Bachelor.

Received a Rose/Continuing On:




Did Not Receive a Rose/Eliminated:

Britt - sent home before the Rose Ceremony in Iowa

Carly - sent home during the Rose Ceremony in Iowa

Jade - sent home during the Rose Ceremony after Hometowns