The Bachelor 2015 Week 4: Results

Things are heating up on The Bachelor as Chris Soules has to make decisions that get harder and harder. The field was narrowed to 15 last week, so with half of the ladies now gone, the eliminations will only get more and more personal. 

Take, for instance, Chris's 1-on-1 date with Jillian. After winning the wedding dress mud run, Jillian was in high spirits after flying to San Francisco with Chris that evening. But as she talked (and talked), Chris became sure that he and Jillian just didn't have the chemistry it takes to make it as a couple, and he let her down right there despite her protests:

Chris Sends Jillian Home|Their 1-on-1 date ends with tears.|After Jillian wins the mud run, she and Chris fly to San Francisco for a 1-on-1 date that evening. But Chris doesn't feel like they have the chemistry he's looking for, and sends her home without a rose. From Week 4 of the 2015 season of The Bachelor.

Ashley I. freaked out a little bit after telling Chris that she was a virgin at the final cocktail party. But then we learned something new about Becca: She's a virgin too. Kaitlyn's reaction to this news was fairly priceless:

Here are the rest of the results from Week 4 of season 19 of The Bachelor.

Received a Rose/Continuing On:

Ashley I




Jade - received a rose on a 1-on-1 date

Kaitlyn- received a rose on the group date







Did Not Receive a Rose/Eliminated:

Ashley S

Jillian - eliminated on a 1-on-1 date

