Watch Gary Oldman's Best Actor 2018 Oscar Speech

The 2018 Oscar winner for Best Actor is Gary Oldman for his performance in DARKEST HOUR. This is his second Academy Award nomination and first Oscar win. He was previously nominated for TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY (2011, Actor in a Leading Role). Earlier in the night, Kazuhiro Tsuji, David Malinowski and Lucy Sibbick took home the 2018 Oscar for Best Makeup and Hairstyling.  In the film, Gary Oldman portrays Winston Churchill, the new British prime minister torn between rallying his nation to fight a ferocious enemy and bowing to pressure to appease Hitler during the early days of World War II. With the fall of France imminent and the possibility of a German invasion of Britain looming, Churchill knows his decision will affect the entire free world. UPDATE: You can read the full transcript of Gary Oldman's speech below.  

"My deepest thanks to the Academy and its members for this glorious prize. I owe this and so much more to so many. I have lived in America for the longest time and I am deeply greatly to her for the loves and the friendships I have made and the many wonderful gifts it has given me. My home, my livelihood, my family, and an Oscar. {...} I would just like to salute sir Winston Churchill who has been marvelous company on what can be describe as an incredible journey and my wife Giselle for traveling that road with me and being at my side. {...} I would like to thank my mother who is older than the Oscar, she is 99 years young next birthday and she's watching the ceremony from the comfort of her sofa. I say to my mother – thank you for your love and support. Put the kettle on. I'm bringing Oscar home."
See the rest of the nominees for Best Actor 2018 below and the full list of Oscar winners 2018! Timothée Chalamet in CALL ME BY YOUR NAME (Sony Pictures Classics) Daniel Day-Lewis in PHANTOM THREAD (Focus Features) Daniel Kaluuya in GET OUT (Universal) Denzel Washington in ROMAN J. ISRAEL, ESQ. (Sony Pictures Releasing)