A Million Little Things Season 2 Finale Recap: Eddie's Uncertain Future

Welcome back, Millionaires! Just like every other episode of this show, the season 2 finale of A Million Little Things did not disappoint. Well, that is, assuming you're okay with a little bit (okay fine, a lot) of heartbreak for our favorite crew of friends, whose season ended with some fresh starts but also a fair dose of heart-rending sadness. Rome and Regina's birth mother, Eve, finally had her baby; Gary and Maggie finally had the conversations we've been wanting them to have all year; and Eddie remembered the truth about the lake house, which threatens to completely upend his life. Obviously, A Million Little Things spoilers follow, but you can watch A Million Little Things season 2 finale right here on ABC.com or in the ABC app, or read on for highlights of the dramatic season finale!

RELATED: Watch full episodes of A Million Little Things - every episode of Season 2 available

New Promises Prompt New Discoveries

As Eddie and Katherine prepare to renew their vows, Eve, the birth mother Regina and Rome have been nurturing, goes in labor. Eddie and Katherine decide to move their vow renewal to the hospital so everyone can be there to support the new parents. Might not be the most romantic place in the world, but their love—and this family of friends—is what's important.

Everyone leaves as Eddie scrambles to pack up the wedding dress and decorations. Then there's a knock on the door: It's Colleen Stewart (guest star Betsy Brandt), the sister of Alex, whose mysterious death has been haunting Eddie since the return of his sister, Lindsay (guest star Sprague Grayden) to his life.

Eddie wants the truth; Colleen says he needs to drop it because she doesn't want her family to through all of this again.

She leaves, but Eddie isn't through. He's determined to learn the truth.

Endings and Beginnings and Endings

As everyone waits eagerly for Regina and Rome to become parents, Maggie has other things on her mind. She's leaving for Oxford soon, and she can't stop thinking about Gary. She resolves to tell him exactly how she feels, knowing she'll regret it if she doesn't:

WATCH: Maggie tells Gary she still loves him

But Gary, unfortunately, has moved on. Afterward, Darcy senses something is still there between Gary and Maggie, and she leaves, telling Gary that she's a single mom and she doesn't have time for indecision. Gary has to figure out what he wants, and fast.

After some terrifying complications that put Eve and her baby at risk, Eve stabilizes and gives birth. Rome and Regina hold their baby boy. After a quick chat to get permission from Delilah, they lock in his name. It's Jon. 

As Regina breathes a sigh of relief, she returns to find Rome distraught. Eve is changing her mind:

WATCH: Eve changes her mind on the adoption for Rome and Regina

Regina's face after seeing Charlie...we can't even.

Maggie and Gary, Part 2 & Eddie's Disaster

Meanwhile, with the help of Lindsay, Eddie has found a keepsake of Alex's that jogs his memory of that fateful night. He has Alex's bracelet, which slipped off her wrist as she slipped into the water. He was there. He watched her drown, unable to save her while drunk and high. He's crushed. 

Maggie faces her own demons as she arrives at the airport, ready to fly off to her Oxford fellowship, alone. Then suddenly, Gary:

WATCH: Gary says he still loves Maggie

It's a cruel twist of fate to be able to type "Gary says he still loves Maggie" and have it not describe a fairytale ending...but sometimes that's how it goes. And while it's not what Maggie hoped for, it's closure, and the beginning of a new chapter for both of them. 

Elsewhere, Eddie calls Lindsay to tell her the truth about that night. She wants him to come immediately, but he's busy—he just walked into a bar.

He orders a scotch, just staring down at it for some time. Will Eddie fall back into his self-destructive tendencies? Watch and see:

WATCH: A Million Little Things season 2 ending

From hallelujah to heartbreak. And now we wait for season 3.

Thanks for watching A Million Little Things, and we'll see you next season!