Played by Eric Stonestreet

Character Biography

How many professional party clowns have also played on the offensive line for a Big Ten school? We know of at least one. Yes, Cameron Tucker was a center for the Fighting Illini as well as a classically-trained Auguste clown named Fizbo. But we know and love him as Mitchell Pritchett's husband and the adoptive father of a Vietnamese baby named Lily. Cam's bubbly, carefree personality proves to be a perfect complement to Mitchell's slightly uptight ways. Cameron says, "I'm sort of like Costco. I'm big, I'm not fancy and I dare you not to like me."

Cam decided to go low-key when he and Mitchell announced their plans to adopt another baby. That means a small banner, sparklers and some light musical accompaniment in the form of "Let's Hear It for the Boy." That's actually pretty low-key for Cam. Their attempts to adopt again have led to a lot of heartache. Still, Cameron Tucker is an optimistic dreamer. Don't believe us? Then just challenge him to chunk a pumpkin across the length of a football field. Cam will prove to you that anything is possible and that's the gourd's honest truth.