The Bachelor 2015 Week 6: Results
This week of The Bachelor picked up right where last week left off -- with Kelsey mid-panic attack, just before the Rose Ceremony in Santa Fe. She might have been out of it, but she definitely had the wherewithal to call for Bachelor Chris Soules, who showed up to comfort her:
She got the final rose of the evening, leaving Mackenzie and Samantha to head home.
But there was still the matter of Week 6 in Deadwood, SD, to sort out for Chris and the ladies. The tension throughout the week revolving around Kelsey was palpable, but this was sure to sort it out on a 2-on-1 date where Kelsey and Ashley would both travel with Chris to the Badlands, which, yeah... the setting was indeed foreshadowing for the sort of things that went down:
But that wasn't all: