Character 101: Meredith Grey

Sure, Meredith Grey is a little dark and twisty, but that makes us love her even more. Seriously? Seriously. Watch the video above to travel back to 2005 and see the very first scene ever of Grey's Anatomy. Little did Meredith know she had just met her McDream man. Keep reading for more of our favorite Mer memories!

Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me: As you can see, when Meredith first met Derek, she certainly didn't know her one-night-stand would become her future husband and father of her children. But soon enough, Mer fell in love. When his not-so-ex-wife Addison entered the picture, her life became a McNightmare. 

My Person: Luckily, through every bump in the road, Meredith had her "person" by her side. For 10 seasons, Meredith was the yin to Dr. Yang. Derek may be the love of Meredith's life, but Cristina's her soulmate. Take a look at where it all started.

RELATED: Character 101 with Alex Karev

You Can Never Have Too Many People: When Cristina left Seattle at the end of last season, she didn't just leave Alex Karev her seat on the board, she left him Meredith as well. And while Meredith and Alex may be the best of friends now, they didn't exactly get off to the best start. 

Meredith Grey vs. Alex Karev|Watch a classic Season 1 moment of Grey's Anatomy!|Young intern Alex Karev thinks a lot of himself. Watch this classic Grey's Anatomy scene from Season 1, Episode 3: Winning a Battle, Losing the War to see Meredith Grey put him in his place. Who comes to the rescue and breaks up their fight? None other than Dr. Derek Shepherd!

Love In An Elevator: Over the last decade, Grey's Anatomy has had more unforgettable elevator moments than we can count. This one from Season 5 may be the most memorable of all. Before there was ever a Post-It, there was a proposal. 

RELATED: Character 101 with Miranda Bailey

And Then There Were Four: Meredith and Derek were shocked when they discovered Zola was going to be a big sister. Even more shocking was when Meredith went into labor during a blackout! Introducing Baby Bailey, who they named after the doctor who saved Meredith's life that day.

Everything Changes: There's been a lot of change for Meredith this year. Not only has she had to get used to daily life without her best friend, but she recently discovered that she has another sister! Through all of this, her relationship with Derek has been rockier than ever. Is this the end of our beloved Mer-Der? Watch all-new episodes of Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c!

Derek Takes the Job!|Is he saying goodbye to Seattle... and Meredith?|Meredith and Derek get into a shouting match during the final scene of the winter finale. Derek claims he gave up everything from her. Meredith doesn't react well to that at all, so Derek informs her he was offered the job at the White House again. She tells him he should take it... so he does. Watch this scene from Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Episode 8: Risk.


Alex Karev

Arizona Robbins

Miranda Bailey

Owen Hunt

Jackson Avery

Jo Wilson

Stephanie Edwards

Richard Webber

April Kepner