5 Most Memorable Meredith and Derek Moments Ever
The relationship between Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) on Grey's Anatomy will go down as one of the most epic love stories ever. A marriage that started with a one-night stand and was sealed via a Post-It note will never be forgotten. Let's take a look back at our 5 Most Memorable Mer-Der Moments Ever. Did your favorite make the list?
5) The Perfect Proposal: When Derek decided to ask Meredith to marry him, he chose the perfect place: the hospital elevator, decorated with X-rays from the cases that helped him fall in love with her. "If there’s a crisis, you don’t freeze," he said. "You’ve seen worse. You’ve survived worse and you know we’ll survive too." Swoon!
4) How It All Began: It was obvious from the beginning — a naked morning-after at Meredith's house where they awkwardly exchanged names — that these two were really into each other. They just never expected it to go anywhere. Or, honestly, to see each other again. Good thing Meredith's handsome one-night stand turned out to be her boss.
3) Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me: Meredith put it all on the line in this unforgettable, heartfelt speech. Not only did Mer tell Derek that she loved him in a big, scary way, but she begged him to choose her over the wife who cheated. How could we not include it on this list?!
2) The Candle House: In one of the most romantic gestures in the history of Mer-Der, the usually dark and twisty Meredith surprised Derek with hundreds of candles lighting up the outline of the house they were going to build together. "I don’t know if I trust you," she told him. "But I’m going to try because I believe we can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart." Extraordinary indeed, Meredith.
1) Post-It Note Wedding: Nothing about these two has ever been conventional, so we never really expected a fancy church wedding. When their umpteenth attempt to run to city hall and get married failed, Derek improvised. There wasn't even a piece of paper, just the Post-Its in Meredith's pocket and that's what they wrote their vows on. They made it stick.
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