Grey Chatter: "The Bed's Too Big Without You"

Grey Chatter: "The Bed's Too Big Without You"

Welcome to Grey Chatter for the "The Bed's Too Big Without You" episode of Grey's Anatomy! Here you'll find highlights, videos and more. Be warned, we're talking about details from the episode so stop reading this stat if you don't want to be spoiled. Enjoy!

Get Your Lousy Pause Off of Me: Meredith is missing the “Der” in her “Mer-Der.” Alex, who isn’t missing the “Jo” in his “mojo,” is failing miserably in his “person” duties. The guy refuses to answer Mer’s texts while he’s having sex. Priorities, Dr. Karev!

Sleep Talking: Meredith, Maggie and Bailey use the 3D printer to create a version of the tumor so they can hold it in their hands. It’s a long process. During the wait, Meredith talks about how her bed feels lonely now that Derek is gone.

Come On, Get Happy: Callie pushes Owen to make a move on the sexy tech rep who was flirting with him. The problem is she was coming on to her, not him. Callie is not ready to pursue anything even with no strings attached. Neither is Owen. The two of them wonder if they’ve “used up all their happy.”

Alone Time: April’s mom, Karen, arrives and whisks her off to church. All three of them meet up at home later. A shouting match between Jackson and Karen leads to April telling them both to shut up. Their arguing isn’t helping anything. In fact, it’s only making April feel more alone.

The Big Guns: April and Jackson silently wait for preliminary test results that’ll determine how bad the situation is with their baby. When Arizona doesn’t reveal the news right away, Jackson realizes that she’s waiting for Dr. Herman. They always call in the big guns for the truly bad news.

The Pause-Master General: Jo uses the “pause” technique Meredith taught her to check out a text from Stephanie, who is “rockin’ neuro with Girl Shepherd,” aka Amelia. As for the pause-master herself, she’s now sharing a bed with the 3D print of that tumor. Meredith makes a late-night Facetime call to Maggie because 3D tumor prints can’t gossip with you. Sisters can.

Past Grey Chatters:

Where Do We Go From Here


Can We Start Again, Please?

Don't Let's Start

Bend and Break

Got to Be Real

Puzzle With a Piece Missing

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Season 11 Premiere: I Must Have Lost it in the Wind

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