The Bachelor Season 19 Finale Recap: Chris's Final Choice

The entire Season 19 of The Bachelor was leading up to this point. Chris was in Iowa with his family, with two girls left. So who would he choose: Becca or Whitney? This was the biggest episode of the season, and here's how it all went down.

Obviously a huge part of this episode was meeting the family. Both women spent time with Chris and his family. Whitney felt very much at home with Chris's folks. But going into this week, Chris's relatives knew two big things about the women: Whitney was ready to move to Iowa, and Becca wasn't necessarily sure. So when Becca met Chris's mom, it was a bit tense:

The tension between Chris's clear admiration for Becca and Becca's uncertainty about uprooting her life to move to Iowa dominated the emotional core of the episode. Here's Chris and Becca discussing what a future together would look like. You can see Chris getting visibly frustrated as Becca dodges specifics:

Whitney, on the other hand, knew exactly why she would be in Arlington, and she was ready to make the move immediately. When Chris asked how she could be so certain about him, and about embarking on a new life together, she eagerly welcomed the question:

That all said, when it was time to make the big decision, Chris still hadn't decided what he was going to do. But when Becca walked in, he made his decision:

That, of course, paved the way for an incredibly nervous Whitney to accept a proposal from a man who will soon be giving up his Bachelor title:

And that, friends, wraps up Chris Soules's journey to find love. Best wishes to the new couple, and statr getting excite dnow for the new season of The Bachelorette -- or should we say, The Bachelorettes!

The Bachelorette premieres MONDAY MAY 18.