The Bachelor 2020 Episode 10 Recap: Peter's Final Two and The Women Tell All

As this wild season shows no signs of slowing down—and, in fact, seems to be accelerating into a shocking finale—we took a moment this week to let the bachelorettes give us the inside info on The Bachelor 2020. The Women Tell All episode gave the ladies (except for Bachelor Peter Weber's final two women) a chance to reflect on this season, but first, we had to wrap up one of the season's big turning points—would Madison stay or go? As always, there are copious Bachelor spoilers below, but you can watch the full episode of The Bachelor season 24, episode 10 right here on or in the ABC app—or read on to see the dramatic Rose Ceremony that will change the trajectory of this season—and, of course, see what the ladies have to say about it. 

Madison Makes Her Decision—And So Does Peter

At the end of Week 9, Madison walked away after Peter told her that he had been intimate with other ladies. Would she return?

Yes, as it turns out. But would Peter offer her a rose? Yes again. But...would she accept it? See the dramatic for your yourself:

WATCH: The dramatic conclusion of the Rose Ceremony

That was a tough one to watch.

Victoria F. was disappointed in Peter's decision:

So Peter has his final two bachelorettes who will meet his family, and ideally, one of them will receive and accept a proposal, but man, based on the previews we've seen thus far—as well as the new sneak peek you can find at the bottom of this recap—it feels like all of that is still just a "maybe" at this point. 

RELATED: Meet the cast of The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart, premiering MONDAY APR 13 8|7c on ABC! 

The Women Tell All

When we return to the studio audience that had gathered to hear the bachelorettes dish on Season 24. Chris Harrison opens the show by asking the ladies their thoughts on the Rose Ceremony and Madison's big decision. Lexi calls Madison's chat with Peter an ultimatum, but Sydney says she respects her for sticking to her values. And maybe that's the big problem for Peter going forward—he didn't do anything wrong, and neither did Madison. But their feelings on this matter might mean they're incompatible.

RELATED: Meet The Bachelor Cast 2020

Chris and the ladies quickly touch on other drama in the house, starting with the Alayah-Victoria P. drama, which quickly devolves into basically everyone talking over each other. Then it's onto Champagnegate, where Shiann says that Kelsey's reaction to Hannah Ann popping her champagne was irrational. Kelsey totally agrees. She refuses to apologize for being emotional, and her penchant for tears made an impression on one of Bachelor Nation's most prolific criers, Ashley I., who had a gift for Kelsey:

WATCH: Ashley Iaconetti bonds with Kelsey over their tendency for tears

Peter Faces the Women He Sent Home

The most recent woman to go home, Victoria F., joined Chris to chat about her breakup with Peter. She says she's frustrated with herself—she didn't see how much he loved her, and she couldn't get out of her own way. 

When Peter comes out to chat with the ladies, there aren't really hard feelings from the ladies, aside from some small quibbles. Victoria apologizes for putting him through so much. Mykenna wishes Peter hadn't put her through the Rose Ceremony after the 2-on-1 if he was just going to send her home, but Peter says he truly didn't know who was getting roses that night. Savannah asks Peter if he regrets rewarding the drama and sending home girls who were here for the right reasons (which draws from groans from the other ladies), and Peter says he knows that every decision he made wasn't perfect, but that he followed his heart and did his best. 

The Bachelor 2020 Bloopers

We're not going to keep you in suspense want 'em, and we've got 'em:

WATCH: The Bachelor 2020 Blooper Reel

Online Hate, Harassment, and Bachelor Nation

After Peter heads out, things get serious for a moment as Chris Harrison bring out former Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay. No stranger to online attacks herself as the first Bachelorette of color, Rachel says that as social media has gotten more pervasive, so too have the anonymous attacks and hate that the contestants and leads deal with from the public. She reads some of the more heinous messages the ladies from this season have received, with a simple plea: Stop. Watch below, but do be warned that offensive language follows:

WATCH: Bachelor Nation and Rachel Lindsay address online harassment

The Dramatic Season Finale of The Bachelor 2020

Since the season premiere, we've been fed little teases of the dramatic end of Season 24 of The Bachelor. Peter gets last-minute news that threatens to derail his entire journey, faces facts that lay him out and nearly prompt him to pass out, and who exactly is Peter's mother, Barbara, begging him to bring home? All will be revealed during next week's two-night finale MONDAY & TUESDAY 8|7c on ABC, but until then, here's a preview of what Chris Harrison calls the most dramatic and complicated finale in Bachelor history:

WATCH: A preview of The Bachelor 2020's dramatic season finale

All we know is that this is going to be wild to the very last minute. 

Watch The Bachelor 2020 season finale MONDAY & TUESDAY 8|7c on ABC!