The Bachelor 2020 Episode 6 Recap: The Telenovela, Double Victoria Drama, and a 2-on-1 Date

Welcome to part two of The Bachelor 2020's two-night event! We crammed two Rose Ceremonies into Week 5, but rest assured, Week 6 still features a dramatic ceremony that lives up to the drama of the dreaded 2-on-1 date. At the end of the last episode, Bachelor Peter Weber received a warning from Shiann, whom he'd just sent home, that some of the remaining ladies were hiding their true identities from the already rattled Bachelor. As Peter contemplates which bachelorettes are here for the Right ReasonsTM, which bachelorettes are here for fame, and, possibly, which bachelorettes might be masked crime fighters by night, the gang headed off to Chile for the next step in their journey. You can watch the full episode of The Bachelor season 24, episode 6 right here on or in the ABC app, or read on for Bachelor spoilers!

RELATED: More Bachelor recaps here: The Bachelor 2020 Episode 5 recap | The Bachelor 2020 Episode 4 recap | The Bachelor 2020 Episode 3 recap | The Bachelor 2020 Episode 2 recap | The Bachelor season 24 premiere recap

Are These Bachelorettes Ready for Marriage?

It's a question weighing heavily on Peter, but the ladies are all in on Mr. Weber, at least as far as they're saying. The remaining bachelorettes—Hannah Ann, Kelley, Kelsey, Madison, Mykenna, Natasha, Sydney, Tammy, Victoria F., and Victoria P.—are still discussing the previous night's Rose Ceremony, where Tammy and Mykenna stole time with Peter by interrupting the dark ritual for some private chats. The rest of the ladies feel it showed a lack of respect. Tammy and Mykenna do their best to defend themselves; Mykenna is nearly brought to tears during the discussion, though it fails to attract sympathy from Victoria F., at least:

The first date of the week is a 1-on-1 with Hannah Ann. Hannah Ann is on the younger side of his remaining group, so Peter puts her on the spot: Is she 100% sure that she would get married after this? She says she's never been in love before, and that worries Peter—so much so that he gets up and leaves. Hannah Ann chases after him:

WATCH: Hannah Ann breaks down to Peter on their 1-on-1 date

Later in the episode, Peter must reconsider his relationship with Victoria P. as well. He feels like it's stalled, and wants clarity. Victoria traces it back to the Alayah situation because OH GOD WHY PLEASE NO CAN WE JUST MOVE ON??? GUESS NOT OKAY FINE Peter says that all the drama has distracted him. And he's not sure that he's as certain about their relationship as she seems to be:

WATCH: Is this the end for Peter and Victoria P.? 

The Bachelor 2020 Telenovela

The group date provides the gang with some much needed levity, as they travel to a TV studio to film their own telenovela, "El Amor De Pedro." Kelley plays Peter's grandma, Tammy plays a vicious neighbor, and Mykenna plays the oft overlooked maid. It's as bonkers as it sounds:

WATCH: Peter Weber and the ladies film a telenovela

But of course, where that drama was fabricated for fun, the real drama is happening behind the scenes. Fresh off her confrontation with...well, basically everyone last episode, Tammy calls out Mykenna for being so down in the dumps after not getting a 1-on-1, but now she's flying high after smooching Peter during the filming. Tammy says Mykenna "acts like a child" and asks her point blank if she's mature enough to get married.

Pretty soon it's all bleeps and yelling, and it's clear that Mykenna and Tammy are gonna have issues. Madison stays out of the drama and takes home the group date rose as a result. 

Relationships Reach the Breaking Point

It's clear Peter is into Victoria F.—and if it wasn't before, it's definitely clear after he gives her another 1-on-1 date, his first repeat 1-on-1 of the season. She likes him a lot too, but Peter notes some hesitation on her part. He's very into her, saying she's on a second 1-on-1 because he wanted to see "if this is what I think it is." We can only speculate on what Peter thinks this (Love? Marriage? A rousing game of croquet?), but mostly, he just wants Victoria to open up—and he's very insistent. Perhaps too insistent:

WATCH: Victoria F. is pushed to her limit with Peter

She calms down after a chat with the producers, and immediately apologizes to Peter. He gives her the rose. 

RELATED: Meet The Bachelor Cast 2020

As for the Mykenna and Tammy drama, Peter says "enough is enough," which means it's time for the dreaded 2-on-1 date. Only one woman can stay when it's all over.

Both ladies make their case to stay, and try their best to explain the drama. But in the end, Peter can only keep one woman, and he makes his decision:

WATCH: The dramatic ending of Mykenna and Tammy's 2-on-1 date

The Rose Ceremony: Who Went Home on Episode 6 of The Bachelor 2020?

After that was settled, Peter still had to make his final decisions for the week. It's getting down to the wire, so pretty much everyone sent home at this point is going to be a bit of a shocker. Sydney, who just had what seemed like a good 1-on-1 date with Peter last episode, did not receive a rose. And Mykenna, who barely had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief after sticking around after the 2-on-1, also had to pack her bags. 

Next up, Peter's taking six women—Hannah Ann, Kelley, Kelsey, Madison, Natasha, and Victoria F.—to Peru for the next stage. Here's what to expect MONDAY 8|7c:

WATCH: The Bachelor 2020 Week 7 Sneak Peek

Watch The Bachelor 2020 MONDAY 8|7c on ABC!