The Bachelor 2020 Episode 3 Recap: Is Alayah Here for the Right Reasons?

So it turns out that if you put 30 people in one house while they're all dating the same person, tensions will arise. Of course, no one could have known such a thing, but in Week 3 of The Bachelor 2020, the stress of that arrangement started to bloom in earnest as the ladies chasing Bachelor Peter Weber began to question each other's motives and voicing that concern with Peter—and it may have gotten one woman sent home. As you might imagine, there are SPOILERS BELOW, but you can watch the full episode of The Bachelor season 24, week 3 right here on or in the ABC app, or read on to see who said what and who didn't believe whom.

The End of Champagnegate? Maybe?

We won't rehash the entire Champagnegate situation (you can read The Bachelor 2020 Week 2 recap if you want the whole story), but suffice it to say that Kelsey and Hannah Ann hadn't buried the hatchet when Week 2 came to a close. Everyone in the house was getting pretty exhausted by this feud dragging on, so Kelsey and Hannah Ann decided to talk it out to put this to rest:

Kelsey and Hannah Ann try to settle Champagnegate once and for all

So...we guess it's over? Kinda? Time will tell, but did you happen to catch the best part? If not, here it is again for the people in the back:

To be fair, Champagnegate was always about the principle of the incident rather than the actual bottle of booze, but it's hard not to get a chuckle out of that. 

Line Dancing and Vulnerability

The one-on-one date of the week went to Victoria P., who spent an evening at a country bar line dancing with Peter. She held her own on the dance floor, but earned big points with Peter when she was willing to open up about her family and her complicated childhood:

Victoria P.'s heart-wrenching story

She received a date rose, and more importantly, became someone that Peter felt he could trust in the house, a moment that would actually play a huge part in the episode (more on that later).

A Rude Awakening

If there's one thing Bachelor Nation's Demi Burnett is not, it's subdued—and neither was the wake-up call she gave the ladies when she arrived at the house early in the morning:

Demi Burnett's feather-filled wake-up call

Much to the ladies' relief, Demi wasn't there to also profess her love for Peter and join the house. She showed up to take them all to their next group date: extreme pillow fighting. (Legendary comedian Fred Willard joined Chris Harrison to provide commentary on the action.) When things get physical, it's not uncommon for tempers to flare and rifts to develop in the house, and this day was no different:

The ladies tackle extreme pillow fighting—and each other

Sydney had already proclaimed her skepticism of Alayah's intentions, but after that bout, Sydney seemed more determined than ever to prove that Alayah wasn't being real with Peter. That night at the cocktail party she called out Alayah for acting fake in front of Peter and the group, but no one else spoke up to say they agreed. Peter felt like he was caught in a she-said-she-said, which left him confused and frustrated. Nevertheless, Peter gave Sydney the date rose. Would that portend bad things for Alayah?

Basically the Saddest Pool Party Ever

The next day, the ladies learn that there will be no cocktail party—instead, Peter will be joining them all day for a pool party. Yay, right? Well, Peter kicked it off by saying he wasn't really feeling great because last night's events still had him shook and eh didnt' know what to believe anymore, more or less showing up like "What's up everybody! I don't really trust y'all. Okay, here's your daiquiri." 

RELATED: Meet The Bachelor Cast 2020

With everyone immediately on edge, Peter pulled the ladies aside one by one to get their read on Alayah. A few of them kinda echo Sydney's concerns—not that Alayah is evil or anything, but that she has a persona of sorts and kind of turns it on when the cameras start rolling. It's not looking great for Alayah, but when Peter talks to her in person, he's pretty clear—he has concerns based on what he's hearing, but he says he's drawn to Alayah, and he can't deny their connection. He ends the convo with a kiss and says he believes her. Alayah is thrilled and relieved.

But then, Peter talks to Victoria P. to get some inside information—it turns out that Victoria and Alayah knew each other from their days competing at the Miss USA 2019 pageant before the show. And now, after their great one-on-one date, Peter feels he can trust Victoria, so when she tells Peter that Alayah asked Victoria not to tell the producers that they knew each other before the show, his guard is back up. He grabs Alayah for another chat, which goes a lot worse than their first convo:

Peter asks Alayah if she lied to the producers

Peter walks away. Alayah breaks down. And instead of anyone getting more time with Peter, Chris Harrison arrives to say that Peter is gone and they won't see him until the Rose Ceremony. Many of the ladies didn't get time with Peter, and those who did were mostly discussing Alayah, so no one really won at the pool party. 

The Rose Ceremony: Who Went Home on The Bachelor Week 3?

The Rose Ceremony is tense, as Alayah is worried that the combined voices in the house will be enough to overwhelm her connection with Peter. With two roses left, Alayah remains roseless. 

And then Peter just walks out of the room:

Peter Weber walks away in the middle of the Rose Ceremony

One fewer rose means one more bachelorette going home, and Alayah, AlexaJasmine, and Sarah are the odd ladies out. 

Alayah is upset, and for that matter, so is Peter. He thought that ending this situation would be a relief but instead he says he doesn't feel good. And he fears that maybe he just gave in to a vocal minority on Alayah. Will that affect his decision-making process going forward?

Sneak Peek: Week 4 of The Bachelor 2020

Well, the gang heads off to Cleveland for their first dates out on the road, and Alayah is probably back home in Texas and that's that and we guess her story is over and OH HAI IT'S ALAYAH IN CLEVELAND:

Week 4 sneak peek: Alayah is back

Can't wait to see how this turns out.

Watch The Bachelor 2020 MONDAY 8|7c on ABC!