Bachelor in Paradise 2019, Week 6, Part 2 Recap: Everything Gets Serious

Last night on Bachelor In Paradise, things started heating up as the end of Paradise approaches and relationships are starting to feel the pressure of real life. With the final Rose Ceremony and Fantasy Suites looming, more couples are shattered and surprising people go home. Watch Bachelor In Paradise Week 6, Part 1 and/or Bachelor In Paradise Week 6, Part 2 right here on or in the ABC app now, or you can find our Week 6, Part 1 recap here, and then read on for the most recent highlights!

Serious Dates and Missed Connections

Right off the bat we have two big 1-on-1 dates—Hannah & Dylan and Nicole & Clay—to help these established couples really consider their future. Is this going to be a vacation fling, or is this the real deal that's going to last in the real world? 

Hannah and Dylan are definitely serious; they both say they're in love with each other, and they both separately say they're ready to do this, like, forever. Nicole is ready—she tells Wells she's in love with Clay but is waiting for him to say it first. It might be a while, because Clay says he's starting to fall for her, but he's not yet ready to say he's in love. That makes Nicole very nervous. 

Connor is nervous as well. Everyone in Paradise is making love connections, but he has no one. He was hoping that Whitney from Nick V.'s season would come down the stairs, because they connected at Chris and Krystal's wedding and had a great time. So Connor waits. And waits.

And waits.

Finally, he gives up. He tells everyone it's time to go home. And then a half hour later:

Unreal. Everyone on the beach is blown away. 

When it comes to inspiration, Tayshia finds hers in John Paul Jones. She calls him away for what seems to be a very serious conversation, but then:

Draw him like one of your French boys, Tayshia.

The Ceremony

Everyone is ready for this final cocktail party to solidify the relationships they have going, and some, like Matt, are looking forward to getting more clarity on who to choose (in Matt's case, Bri or Sydney). But then Chris Harrison blazes in and cancels the cocktail party. No chats. Just roses. Let's get it on. 

First up is Luke, and he ends up creating a unique moment that Chris Harrison says is a first for the show:

Oof. After that, here's where the roses go:

Matt --> Bri

Dylan --> Hannah

JPJ --> Tayshia

Chase --> Angela

Clay --> Nicole

Demi --> Kristian

Chris --> Katie

That means Haley, Revian and Sydney are going home. Sydney is hurt; she says she doubts Matt and Bri will last. 

It's Crunch Time: Fantasy Suites Await

The morning after, Chris Harrison tells everyone that Paradise is basically over. You're either ready for the Fantasy Suites, or you're packing your stuff and going home. Bri tells Matt she doesn't feel like he sees beyond her model exterior, and ends things. (Guess Sydney was right.) Chase and Angela call it quits as well. 

Tayshia wishes she had more time—but she doesn't. It's decision time for her, and here's where she lands:

Katie is sweating it because a tearful Chris gives an incredibly roundabout answer, but eventually decides he wants to do this. He's scared, but ready.

So the four couples left are Demi & Kristian, Hannah & Dylan, Katie & Chris, and Nicole & Clay.

Who will get engaged on Bachelor In Paradise? Who will have their heart broken? Here's a look at the final so you can start guessing:

Tune in TUESDAY SEPT 17 8|7c to see the season finale of Bachelor in Paradise.