The Bachelor 2020 Episode 5 Recap: The "Cosmo" Photoshoot, Peter Calls Sydney the "Best Kisser"

When we left off in Week 4, no one was having a good time. The bachelorettes were upset with Alayah, as well as Bachelor Peter Weber. Peter was losing his mind, unsure of who was telling the truth amongst the ladies, and worried that he was upsetting the bachelorettes so much they might start leaving on their own. Did Peter move beyond the chaos in Cleveland? Sure...and then he moved right into the chaos in Costa Rica. As you might imagine, there are SPOILERS BELOW, but you can watch the full episode of The Bachelor season 24, episode 5 right here on or in the ABC app, or read on to see how Peter got himself out of this mess and into some stitches from a wild head injury. And don't forget the next episode airs TOMORROW 8|7c, so you don't have to wait long for more!

RELATED: More Bachelor recaps here! The Bachelor Episode 4 recap | The Bachelor Episode 3 recap | The Bachelor Episode 2 recap | The Bachelor season 24 premiere recap

Alayah Is Once Again the Center of Drama

We pick up right where we left off, with the ladies mad at Alayah, Alayah mad at the ladies, and Peter just sad and unsure of what to do next...which is also making the ladies mad at him. So Peter decides that action is the best course of action:

WATCH: Peter has a serious talk with Alayah about the drama

In the end, Alayah agrees with Peter; it's all just too much, and she apologizes for making it harder on him. The ladies are relieved—but also concerned. If Peter can get this confused and paralyzed, is there anything stopping it from happening again?

Peter returns, notably dejected. Even he's aware that he keeps having to say that he's not perfect. But he takes pains to tell the ladies he hears them and he trusts them, and that he really is excited to move forward and make this happen. The ladies were satisfied, and it was Rose Ceremony time.

RELATED: Meet The Bachelor Cast 2020

The Rose Ceremony: Who Went Home on Episode 5 of The Bachelor 2020?

As The Bachelor prepared to go international, Peter had to send three ladies home this week—in addition to Alayah—and though Deandra was pretty confident in her relationship with Peter, she did not receive a rose. Joining her on the way home were Savannah and Kiarra. They were all disappointed, of course, but Deandra in particular seemed a bit shocked, and took it the hardest, shedding more than a few tears on the way out. 

How Did Peter Weber End Up with Stitches?

Costa Rica seems to be a delightful tropical paradise, but it gets real dangerous real fast for our fair Bachelor, as the ladies learned shortly after arriving. Here's Peter telling the story of 22 stitches, one puma, and a vicious pint glass:

WATCH: Peter explains what happened to his head in Costa Rica

That security footage deserves an Emmy in our book. Outstanding Achievement In Surveillance Technology (Musical or Comedy), anyone?

The first one-on-one date goes to Sydney, who immediately and sweetly, yet unfortunately, bonks her head right into Peter's new wound, so that must have been fun for him. He didn't seem to care, because then he and Sydney made out A LOT.

One person who does care about Peter's date is Kelsey, who's back at the resort having a rough time. After the high of her one-on-one last week, she's finding it hard to watch Peter dating other ladies. She's had a couple drinks, which probably intensify her feelings a bit, and lashes out:

Tammy sits with Kelsey to try to cheer her up, but ends up frustrated by Kelsey's moping, and resolves to tell Peter about her behavior, which we're sure will totally not end up creating drama down the line. 

The Group Date: Photo Shoot for Cosmopolitan Magazine

The next date takes the group to the jungle, but instead of a rugged adventure, it's a swimsuit modeling shoot with Cosmopolitan. The winner, chosen by Cosmo editor-in-chief Jessica Pels and photographer Tyler Joe, will appear on the cover of the mag with Peter, so the ladies bring their A-game:

WATCH: The Bachelor 2020 Cosmopolitan Photo Shoot

The cocktail party gets hot, as Kelsey tells Peter she's falling in love with him—so the L-word is out there in Week 5. Meanwhile, Tammy is telling the ladies about Kelsey's rough night, and Victoria F. tells the group that Kelsey said she's "the realest bitch here and everyone else is fake." Tammy gets pissed, and when she gets time with Peter she tells him that Kelsey had a "mental breakdown" because he went on his date with Sydney. She also calls Kelsey out for heavy boozing, putting a few red flags on Peter's radar. 

Peter then chats with Kelsey again and brings all this up. Kelsey is obviously not happy, and when she returns to the group she asks, "Do we want to talk about who said I was emotionally unstable?" Hannah Ann immediately recognizes that we're now strapped in on a one-way trip to Dramatown:

Kelsey defends herself, but quickly finds the group unsympathetic to her plight:

When Peter returns, he gives the group date rose to Hannah Ann, and Kelsey can't help but wonder if Tammy had prevented her from getting that rose. 

Peter Going All In—and More Drama

The next one-on-one date goes to Kelley. She's mentioned her trepidation about the process before, and Peter feels like she might be holding back a little. At dinner, they discuss their connection—it started fast, but it's kinda stalled. Peter says he needs Kelley to say she's ready for this—he's not here to have fun, he's here for a wife. She actually starts questioning Peter's he actually ready for a wife? If so, why would he reward drama and let it keep going?

Peter gives her the rose, which of course makes her happy—though she does mention that she's still aware he's dating 12 other girls. Is she really giving herself fully to this process?

The next day, Kelsey and Tammy try to clear the air, but make it much, much worse instead:

WATCH: Kelsey and Tammy argue over Kelsey's emotions

Kelsey is worried Tammy might once again say something to Peter, so she sneaks off to Peter's villa and tells him about all this. Peter is unfazed, and says he doesn't need the Rose Ceremony to know how he feels about her. He whips out a rose and gives it to Kelsey. When she returns to the other women, with a rose in hand, it's pretty awkward. And when Chris Harrison arrives to tell them that the cocktail party is cancelled and they're going straight to the Rose Ceremony, well, now everyone's worried. 

The ladies blame Kelsey for this canceled party, so Tammy asks what they talked about at the villa. Kelsey says "All I said was, you accused me of having a drinking problem and popping pills." Tammy is like, whoa, who's talking about popping pills? But the other girls quickly jump in and say Tammy has indeed mentioned pills. Tammy is on the defensive, and quickly, the target of ire in the group becomes Tammy. Sydney comes at Tammy about talking about other ladies, and Tammy says "You've done exactly that with Alayah!" Sydney denies it and the two start swearing at each other and calling each other crazy, and Lexi's face pretty much sums up how we all feel at this point:

Mykenna is in tears knowing she won't get time with Peter she feels she desperately needs. Tammy is in tears knowing the other girls have suddenly made her the enemy. So naturally, it's Rose Ceremony time!

The Rose Ceremony, Part 2: Who Else Went Home on Episode 5 of The Bachelor 2020?

Peter is back and ready to dispense some more foliage. And as he begins:

WATCH: Tammy interrupts the Rose Ceremony

In what seems to be a theme for the season, everyone is mad at everyone all over again. At the end, Lexi and Shiann are left without roses and must head home, wondering if they too should have interrupted the Rose Ceremony.

And finally the drama is done and everything will be smooth sailing from here on out. But then, as Shiann is saying her goodbyes, she tells Peter that some of the girls might be hiding who they truly are, which we're totally sure won't affect Peter in any way going forward and cause him any more uncertainty and worry. The bright side is that you won't have to wait a week to find out, because the Bachelor two-night event continues TOMORROW 8|7c, and here's a peek at what's up next:

The Bachelor Episode 6 preview: The dreaded 2-on-1 date is here

Watch The Bachelor 2020 MONDAY 8|7c on ABC!